{ CLOSED, COMPLETED. } ----> plot post.

May 23, 2010 21:59

At dusk, the entire village shook.

Kitchen utensils and dishes vibrated within their containers, glasses of water trembled. There were steady steps going boom… boom… boom… could be heard and was becoming more audible with each footstep. At this point, the locals knew something grand was coming to town. Heck, it came to a point where the trees’ branches raddled so much that the apples and pears dropped from its place and on to the ground with a soft dup.

Well, the birds sure weren’t going to stick around for this, for sure, so in a flock, they flapped away from the wooded village. Meanwhile, the smaller rodents, in a much more vulnerable position, stood on its hind legs as if to survey. Soon, they, too, scattered back to their homes beneath the dirt.

…Ah, but it was getting just a bit too loud, those footsteps! It disrupted the locals more so than the newly arrived…whatever they are. Lost children, the locals would say (but some of them weren’t nearly kids). By now, all the locals have left their homes and cluttered the sidewalks, waiting as if they knew what was coming. They whispered amongst each other, some smiling, and some frowning. Some were just outright curious! Children held on to their mothers as if frightened by the sheer sound as they wrapped her arms around them in comfort.

But there was nothing to fear in the very least! Perhaps a wrong impression would best describe this situation as a giant, figure silently stepped within Sleepwoods’ premises, making sure he was well clear of building and livestock. The giant shifted occasionally has he found himself in a too uncomfortably congested, waiting for the commoners to slide back further to the sidelines to make way for him. Behind him rolled a grand hotel-like building, colorful and earthy, it stood out from the usual wooden houses Sleepywoods inhabited.

Together, they slowly approached the Main District and awaited further orders from the Way Warrant.

*day 00, !narrator, #complete

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