no way I'm disco dancing

Mar 23, 2011 18:26

Characters: Bonnie and Face
Setting/Location: Hallway outside the washroom
Date & Time: Day 62, late afternoon
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Bonnie waits for laundry to soak and possibly tries out some new moves on Face

bonnie's too sexy for milan, new york, and japan )

templeton peck, bonnie mccullough

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facing_danger March 23 2011, 23:24:54 UTC
Face, meanwhile, had been out investigating to satisfy his own curiosity. He hadn't been expecting to cross the Vampire's path upon his return to the caravan, although it was certainly a pleasant surprise. He noticed her as he approached the washroom and smiled congenially.

"Bonnie," He said, flashing teeth. "It's been awhile. How are you doing?"


blytheandbonnie March 23 2011, 23:45:25 UTC
As Bonnie heard Face's voice, she immediately perked up. Just as she was about to chirp a greeting at him, she froze. No no, that wasn't sexy. Sexy girls didn't show when they were excited to see a boy.

So instead of standing straight up or bouncing over, she remained leaning against a wall. "Hey," she replied, nodding at him in what she imagined was a very cool way. "What's shaking?" she asked.

Bonnie turned to look at him and pushed her hair over her shoulder, giving him a smoldering look that she had been practicing in the mirror.


facing_danger March 24 2011, 00:29:31 UTC
Face frowned slightly at the reaction he received. Usually Bonnie was a bit more bubbly and energetic. Maybe she was distracted. He kept the smile on his face and took a step closer. "Oh, you know. Just taking in the local scenery."

He motioned to her outfit. "Nice clothes. Where'd you get 'em?" They were a man's-- he could tell that much. Maybe from Damon? He hadn't liked the guy when they'd met at the party, but obviously Bonnie saw something in him.


blytheandbonnie March 24 2011, 00:39:03 UTC
Truthfully, Bonnie had found the shirt abandoned in the laundry room and decided it was as good as anything else. Still, Damon had said that nothing was as effective for pinning down a man as making him jealous. So, instead of replying truthfully, Bonnie did the same thing she usually did around Face--she skirted around the truth.

"Oh, you know," she said slyly, running her palm down the front of the shirt as she slowly walked over to Face. "Just borrowed them from someone." She reached her hand out and began walking her fingers up the front of his chest, pausing just below his throat.


facing_danger March 24 2011, 01:47:26 UTC
"Oh?" Face gave Bonnie a sideways glance. "Well, er, it's nice of them to lend it to you. If you ever need anything from me, let me know." He was certain that "someone" was Damon. There weren't any other guys that the conman knew of, though perhaps Bonnie had taken it from someone she'd bitten.

He didn't have much time to consider, as the vampire suddenly had her hands on his chest, then his throat. It was a bit straightforward for Bonnie and Face remarked as much, coughing slightly. "I guess you missed me."


blytheandbonnie March 24 2011, 02:02:31 UTC
He didn't seem very jealous, Bonnie mused. Not jealous or enthralled. This was not going nearly as well as Damon had seemed to think it would.

Then again, she hadn't used that one line yet. So furrowing her brow, Bonnie looked up at Face and took the collar of his shirt in her hands. "Listen up," she growled, though the sound coming from Bonnie was not particularly intimidating.

"You. Me. Now."

With that, she reached up and pulled him into a good, sound smooch of a kiss.


facing_danger March 24 2011, 02:15:30 UTC
Something was up. This was not the Bonnie he knew, though he did little to fight the kiss. It was confusing, sure, but it could be sorted out after the gesture. He returned with the same ferocity as his partner, but broke from it when it began to die down.

"Is everything ok?" He asked, giving Bonnie a puzzling look. "You're acting strange."


blytheandbonnie March 24 2011, 02:24:24 UTC
Bonnie made a little noise of frustration and released his shirt. He was making this all very difficult.

"I am trying," she explained in an agitated tone, "To be sexy, but you are not responding very well."

Quite frankly, she was suddenly tempted to bite him, just to take out some of her sudden frustration. But, no, that probably wouldn't end very well. And anyway, that would just disprove the whole point she was trying to prove to herself. Being a vampire didn't necessitate that she had to be mean.


facing_danger March 24 2011, 02:54:20 UTC
"Trying to be sexy?" Face smiled politely at that. "Bonnie, I already think you're attractive. You don't have to try to impress me." Really, was that was this was about? Face didn't mind "sexy" women, but that wasn't who Bonnie was.

"If you don't believe me," He said, leaning in for another kiss, "Maybe this will help convince you."


blytheandbonnie March 24 2011, 03:11:05 UTC
This time, Bonnie pulled away, and the look she gave to Face was decidedly skeptical. Whether or not he thought she was attractive wasn't really the issue.

Then again, he was being nice, at least, and she had already said what she needed to say the last time they had talked. And he had already responded.

"Are you hungry?" she decided to say instead. "I was going to go make some tea."

She wasn't, but she was also curious to see how he would respond to her change of topic.


facing_danger March 24 2011, 03:25:54 UTC
Face furrowed his brow slightly at her reaction, then sighed. Fine, if she wanted to reject him for the time being, that was her decision. He'd just have to try a little harder and charm her back into the mood. "I'm not hungry, but I'll take some tea if you're offering."

He flashed a cool grin. "I'm not sure I've ever had your tea, Bonnie. I bet it's good." Just as long as it didn't have blood in it, although he didn't think she was that bad about the whole "vampire" thing...was she?


blytheandbonnie March 26 2011, 00:13:51 UTC
"It's no different than any other tea," she replied with a shrug of her slight shoulders, and she sidled past him, heading for the stairs. "But you're welcome to join me."

This part, she was pretty sure Damon was right about. She had to stop throwing herself at him. Bonnie had never been good at the whole playing hard to get thing--Elena always said it was because she didn't have a poker face.

"Coming?" she called over her shoulder, as she began to move down the stairs.


facing_danger March 27 2011, 23:44:43 UTC
This was a somewhat coy side of Bonnie and Face had to admit, he kinda liked it. His grin brightened somewhat. "Of course. Lead the way."

The tea would be nice too, but he was pretty happy to see Bonnie in (what appeared to be) a good mood. Damon had put him somewhat on edge, but the young woman seemed content enough. "Were you thinking of having anything with the tea?"


blytheandbonnie March 28 2011, 00:03:25 UTC
Briefly, Bonnie paused mid-stride. Having anything else with tea? It didn't sound like a double entendre. But if he was really curious--well, how much did he really know about vampires? Or was he pretending that their conversation had never really happened?

She continued down the stairs, her tone a little cautious as she replied. "People like me don't really eat much," she decided to say. "We can. There's just not really any point to it and it's not very enjoyable." Beverages, she liked. Alcohol still had a nice kick to it, and the sensation of swallowing any warm beverage--like tea or coffee--was still nice, though she wondered if it was more of a mental comfort at this point than a physical one.


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