What happened next (yukky stuff)

Nov 28, 2009 00:48

I posted on Monday night. Freya had eaten some fish, and seemed a bit perkier, but we didn't get our hopes up because we knew how fast the tumour was growing. But I was pleased that she was feeling better and obviously not in pain. She did have problems getting comfortable to go to sleep on Monday night- she normally slept curled up into a ball, but she had to spread her legs out just because of the size of the tumour.

Tuesday she played with some fish, but didn't actually eat any. By played, she hooked a fish head out of the container, dragged it under the car and chomped on it a bit (ewww). But she started haing continence issues, and she obviously was having problems getting comfortable. I put her electric blanket on, and that seemed to help her.

Wednesday morning she was quite distressed by the incontinence. By Wednesday night she was having problems walking, and after about 2m her legs would sort of collapse inwards. The incontinence was getting really bad and distressing her, and she was drinking huge amounts of water- not a good sign. She was getting worse so quickly, that we were scared that if we left it too long she would really be in pain, not just the discomfort she'd had so far. The tumour was very obvious- 12cm and 5-6cm across.

We went to the vet.

p.s. hermes is moulting, and keeps rubbing himself all over my laptop, and the screen is covered with fur.
p.p.s. Yesterday at work I said "well at least i've still got Hermes" and busybee thought that i said herpes not Hermes.


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