Theatrical Muse Topic

Mar 21, 2006 21:25

Write about your father

My dad and I? We got along great. Then we had one problem, then we had another-then-contacting my family became sort of an excercise in futility.

First the biggest problem.

My older brother was...more intellectual then I am. Luke and my mom spent time together discussing books and things. I guess my dad took pity on me in between looking out for my sisters. He was a big nature lover, my dad. And while I never got into the whole "naming plants and animals" thing he'd take me hunting alot.

I think...the best memory I have of the time with my dad was my 16th birthday. He gave me my first gun you understand-a Colt .45, then took me out back and taught me how to use it. My mother had a fit when she saw me shooting. She and dad fought long after I'd gone to sleep so I had to hide it before my mother tried to take it away.

Mom...Mom always said that I was more my dad's son then Luke. She didn't say it with pride either. Looking back I suppose I should have taken offense at it. My dad wasn't abusive, but he wasn't the nicest guy either. I think the family was big enough so that we avoided any domestic disturbance potential.

Still, I can remember a night when Dad came home drunk from the base and started accusing my mother of having an affair. They traded insults and woke up Luke and our sisters. We huddled en' masse at the top of the stairs and tried to listen to them speaking over the roar of the tv until the first glass thing broke. Mom had thrown something the police would tell us-one of her stupid little china dogs.

My mother was a sucker for those stupid ads on the home shopping network.

Then my Father took a swing at her, held her down, and began choking her.
Luke leapt up first. He threw himself at my dad while Lisa and Maggie started sobbing. I didn't think-I just went upstairs and grabbed my gun.

I'm not-I'm not a violent person. I'm really not. I know and respect Guns as tools. I have to as part of my job. I mean for chrissake-Russell would have killed me for giving his son a gun if I didn't teach him how to respect it properly. I just live a life where I have occasion to use them.

This healthy respect has roots in the past. Something I've never shared with anyone, except for Mariel and she avoided me for a couple of days afterwards.

I took my gun, pointed it at my father-and told him to leave my mother alone.

There's nothing like a weapon to sober a man up.
I put the gun down and the man collapsed on the floor crying. Everybody was yelling, but by that time Maggie had called the police so my dad was arrested and I was questioned.

Guns are tools.
Tools of intimidation and power. I think my dad had a paradim shift that day when I first pointed my weapon at him. Such changes can throw people off unless you know how to adapt.

My dad and I haven't had a good relationship since then. I wish I could be sorry about that. Kira deserves to know her Grandfather.

But Further contact with them would be an excercise in futility.

They probably wouldn't see me anyway.

Muse: Tom Underlay
Fandom: Invasion (ABC)
Wordcount: Numerous
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