
Mar 24, 2006 17:10

It was purely by accident.

You're in serious denial
He wasn't in denial.
Things are blowing up in your face
Kira had been trying to hurt him. She'd succeeded-but she'd been completely wrong. And who was she anyway? Just a stupid little girl. She was his daughter sure, but she needed to learn her place.

I still have control. Tom set a hand on his weapon, More control here then at home honestly.
At home he'd known the stakes. He'd known how to play the game-and known how to get what he wanted.

Now however-

He was shaken. The minute he'd arrived there had been something off about this place. That fellow Jim had confirmed that the water-whatever it was-was toxic.
He thought he'd known the extent of his abilities. It had taken him six years of his goddamn life to get himself under control. To keep his muderous impulses restrained.

Mariel helped.
Mariel did more then help. She'd saved him. She loved him and that made all the difference. They were going to build a life together, a warm one filled with children and laughter and the sort of home that he remembered from his childhood before everything went to shit.

But here? without her?

He'd found himself in 215.
Loosing her was like loosing a part of his soul-like cutting off a hand or an arm or another vital appendange-
It's like the crash all over again

"....oh my god-Tom?"

Ever meet a person and know that you were going to be in their life forever?

She was standing in the doorway. Hair a mess and clothing rumpled but still-


He stood slowly, a lump working in his throat.


She looked like she was about to cry.
He certainly felt that way. He hadn't been so glad to see her since-well? When was he ever not glad to see her?

"I thought-"

His only response was to stand swiftly, moving forward to embrace her, "It's okay honey. It's okay. I'm here now. You're safe. we're safe."

Mariel flinched at that. Tom had this...obsessive need to protect her. Ever since they'd first met he'd tried to prevent her from doing anything. He loved her deeply she was sure, but since-

Did you ever really know him?

She leaned deeper into his embrace, "....Yeah."

What else could she say?
For a moment she considered telling Tom about Krauser. Or about what she wanted to do in the infirmary. But for now it was just good to be held by someone. A memory chased at the edge of her subconcious, one she thought she'd forgotten.

It was dark, but Tom was smiling that smile-that half cute half creepy smile.

"It's not far honey. You've got to see this."
He sounded so excited-like a kid on spring break or summer vacation. There was-pride? Pride there as well.

Her legs ached and Rosie was out there somewhere but if she was anywhere near what Tom called the most remarkable phenomenon he'd ever seen...

"Come on!"

She stopped at the top of the hill.
The water stretched out before her-dark and wild-the wind wiping through her hair and spraying water across her cheeks. It was too cold and wet-

"Oh my god-"
The water was dotted with stars.

Tom was moving ahead of her. She followed, anxious to stay close to him. He'd know how to keep the both of them safe, know where the best place to take shelter was-

"This way honey."

"...mare? what's wrong?"

"Nothing." She withdrew from him slowly, "Nothing. We need to think about what we're going to do."

Tom's smile was slightly puzzled, "About what?"

The stars were close to her now-great floating balls of light that danced before her eyes. Beautiful yes but-

"What are they?"
"Deep sea fish!" She could barely hear Tom's voice above the hurricane, "...washed up...shores..."

She smiled a little nervously, "That's great honey-but we should really go back. I'll ask Russell to go look at them in the morning-"

Tom was staring at her.
This wasn't her husband, the man staring at her right now. His eyes were cold-heartless-dead things (fish eyes) and-

"See you tomorrow babe."
She didn't see the push. Tom grabbed her shoulders, half walking her back to the water before he shoved her in-face expressionless.


The lights were coming closer.

"You bastard! Help me!-"

"This place." Mariel's voice was harsh, "What we're going to do."
Tom sat down, hard, "....Like I know."

She followed him to the floor, staring as Tom resumed his earlier position-trying to hide from a world he didn't understand.

Tom sat for a moment at the edge of the water-watching her scream and beg for him to pull her out.

And there was something, wrapping itself around her legs, trying to drag her down-

"Help me!"
He looked so...sad. He'd been grinning like an idiot earlier but now there was sadness. Sadness and a sudden awareness of the wind picking up.


His mouth moved-trying to shout something over the hurricane's roar.

"I'm sorry."

For a moment it looked liked like he wanted to run out to her. To dive in after her and pull her free-

But then he turned-running away-as if compelled.


Her last thought-her last image before she slipped beneath the waterlogged surface-was her husband-standing on the bank with tears on his cheeks.

"....I'm so-so very sorry Mare." his shoulders shook.

You lied to me. Betrayed me-

She wrapped her arms around his neck, akwardly positioning herself so that she was hugging him-able to lean into his embrace.

"....so sorry..."

I hate you.

"It's okay." Mariel ran a hand along his shoulders, "It's okay..."

For a moment she contemplated strangling him-wrapping her hands around his throat and pinning him to the ground. He'd taken her children away-tried to kill her husband-tried to kill her but for now?

If I find out you were responsible for this Tom. she continued, staying still, ....I will hurt you.

She let everything slip out of her mind as the two stayed together-resting.
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