hey woody guthrie, I wrote you a song

Feb 10, 2005 17:11

[Marital Status] haha, single
[Height] 6'
[Shoe size] size 10
[Parents still together] yep. going on 27 years
[Siblings] Andrew
[Pets] none
[Sexual Preferance] haha, its weird, I can't think of how to answer this question without sounding creepy. females. haha.

[Color] navy blue, maybe some black
[Number] don't have one
[Animal] wolverine
[Drink] irish carbomb
[Soda] coke
[Book] Chronicles vol 1, cash by johnny cash, and the power of one
Do you...
[Color your hair?] nope. shut up.
[Twirl your hair?] haha no
[Have tattoos?] yeah, 1
[Have Piercings?] nope
[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?] haha, no
[Cheat on tests/homework?] did a few times... a long time ago
[Drink/Smoke?] yes. but not cigarettes
[Like roller coasters?] yeah
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] sure do.
[Want more piercings?] more than none? yeah I could go for an eyebrow ring.
[Like cleaning?] rarely.
[Write in cursive or print?] print. I forgot how to write in grade 10
[Sweat a lot?] not a whole lot. I have to be working out. I don't sweat when I eat or anything like that.
[Own a web cam?] yeah, I don't use it that much tho. who wants to watch me type? anyone?... no one eh? thought so. stupid useless webcam
[Know how to drive?] I know how to, yes.
[Own a cell phone?] yes. its not that great.
[Ever get off the damn computer?] yeah, I just got on.

Have you ever:
[Been in a fist fight?] haha, um, dylan in grade 6 a few times, for about a week. then we were friends again.
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] not kicked. at least not on purpose that I can remember.
[Stolen anything?] some candy when I was a kid. yeah I was tough.
[Held a gun?] yeah.
[Drank?] haha, no.
[Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?] probably. it doesn't take much for me to start forgetting names.
[Considered a life of crime?] haha, yeah, cause I would survive that
[Considered being a hooker?] a few times. then I realized hot women don't pay for sex.
[Cried over a girl?] oh man, unfortunatly
[Cried over a boy?] no.
[Lied to someone?] yeah, who hasn't? (see the drinking question above)
[Been in love?] yeah, once
[Fallen for your best friend?] hahaha, no.
[Made out with JUST a friend?] I don't know. maybe. didn't stay that way in any case.
[Been rejected?] yeah
[Been in lust?] yes 'um
[Used someone?] I'm sure I have.
[Been used?] a few times, yeah
[Been cheated on?] yep. fuck.

[Current clothing] jeans, spring trials shirt, element hat. man I need socks.
[Current mood] a little tired, I could have slept a lot later than 430
[Current taste] coffee
[What you currently smell like] bed? not showered?
[Current hair] big, bedlike, with a hat on it.
[Current thing I ought to be doing] other than moving to the upstairs computer? um, eating.
[Current cds in stereo] Neil Youngs greatest hits in my diskman, gram parsons GP/Greivous Angel in my cd player
[Current crush] yeah, none of that.

The last time...
[Last book you read] In Cold Blood, a book some guy left at work
[Last movie you saw] oh man, there are so many, I don't know
[Last thing you ate] rice and stirfry last night. man I'm hungry
[Last person you talked to on the phone] will getting me to work saturday night.
[Do drugs?] just marijuana
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] nope, kinda wish I did tho
[Play an instrument?] acoustic guitar
[Believe there is life on other planets?] somewhere, probably.
[Remember your first love?] yeah
[Still love him/her?] I don't know.
[Read the newspaper?] yeah
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] yes
[Believe in miracles?] um... not as much
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] I hope its possible.
[Believe in God?] I'm trying.
[Do well in school?] not yet. fuck
[Go to or plan to go to college] haha, yeah. its just a matter of time.
[Wear hats?] most of the time.
[Hate yourself?] no. I hate a lot of things tho.
[Have an obsession?] music.
[Have a secret crush?] haha, no.
[Collect anything?] belt buckles
[Have a best friend?] yeah
[Close friends?] yeah
[Like your handwriting?] nope
[Care about looks?] not really

Love life
[First crush] haha, actually, kat in grade 5.
[Single or Attached?] single
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] nope
[Do you believe in "the one?"] i would like to, but... not so much
[Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?] ha yeah
[Are you a tease?] um... yes. yes I am.
[Shy to make the first move?] sometimes.

Are you a...
[Wuss] occasionally
[Druggy] nope
[Daydreamer] yeah
[Freak] not really
[Dork] yes
[Bitch/Asshole] I have my moments.
[Brat] no
[Sarcastic] sure
[Angel] no
[Devil] sometimes
[Shy] i can be
[Talkative] yeah
[Flirty] yeah
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