Feb 23, 2005 21:53
Put your playlist on random, and take the first line (or the first line that isn't the title) of each. Comment and tell me the song and artist, without Googling!
1. Maybe he won't find out what I know, you were the last good thing about this part of town
2. Can't you see it's killing me? I'm my own worst enemy.
3. You can throw me like a lineman. I like it better when it hurts...(someone got it)
4. I'll be true, I'll be useful, I'll cavalier...(sandy got it)
5. I don't want another pretty face. I don't want just anyone to hold...(ashley got it)
6. I even fell for that stupid love song...(ashley got it)
7. My heart is drenched in wine and you'll be on my mind...(sandy got it)
8. It's a living.
9. The notes are old. They bend, they fold...(someone got it)
10. Pointing me on my way into your loving arms.
11. Its funny how you find you enjoy your life when you're happy to be alive...(sandy got it)
12. Home, is this a quiet place that you should be alone...(sandy got it)
13. Here we lay again on two seperate beds, riding phone lines...(ashley got it)
14. And if we all believe in heaven, maybe we'll make it through one more year...(someone got it)
15. And you lied to the angels, said I stabbed you to death.
16. I am a flower quickly fading. Here today and gone tomorrow...(sandy got it)
17. Now everybody do the propaganda...(sandy got it)
18. Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up, these are the best days of our lives...(someone got it)
19. Its not that your friendship was a front, its just that now I can see the real in you
20. Everybodys got their problems. Everybody says the same thing to you.
Bonus: Ever since puberty, everybody stares at me.