Homeschool is versatile40alatarielAugust 10 2011, 03:16:25 UTC
Follow the advice of the previous posters, then find local help. A few years ago, I thought we were moving to OH, but we stayed in TX. TX is EASY! Go to this site: If you can afford it, join. Then, find a local group where you can talk with other homeschooling parents every week or even every day! Believe me, it helps!
Some parents with many children have used a curriculum like Abeka because all the grades cover the same subjects at the same time. In anatomy, for instance, the 3yo learns that the body has bones while the 14yo may have to name all 208 of them. Some curriculum come with extensive teachers' manuals that tell you how to do everything. Some books are called 'Unit Studies' which teach material with projects and games and cover all subjects: reading, writing, science, math, history, etc.
If you were here in TX, I could tell you exactly what the law says, where to go for help, and who has the best group to meet your needs! There is someone like me in OH, and you may find him or her at HSLDA. Once you start, you will wish you had set aside your concerns and started earlier.
Have confidence in yourself. You already teach them things, and that is what it means to 'homeschool'. :)
Some parents with many children have used a curriculum like Abeka because all the grades cover the same subjects at the same time. In anatomy, for instance, the 3yo learns that the body has bones while the 14yo may have to name all 208 of them. Some curriculum come with extensive teachers' manuals that tell you how to do everything. Some books are called 'Unit Studies' which teach material with projects and games and cover all subjects: reading, writing, science, math, history, etc.
If you were here in TX, I could tell you exactly what the law says, where to go for help, and who has the best group to meet your needs! There is someone like me in OH, and you may find him or her at HSLDA. Once you start, you will wish you had set aside your concerns and started earlier.
Have confidence in yourself. You already teach them things, and that is what it means to 'homeschool'. :)
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