(no subject)

Jan 14, 2011 04:42

Name- Al

LJ- alanddizzy

Email address- spacepiratecatdude@hotmail.com

AIM/MSN/YIM (optional)- Ibechibb

Character, series- Yumi Jinnouchi

Character journal- Homerunyumi

Character type- Minor

Digimon partner- Penmon

D-Comm colours/symbol- White with a red stripe and the Jinnouchi family crest.

Imported from another RP?- Nope, no way, uh uh.

Character appearance-  

Character age- 39

Character history-  Yumi's story is not unusual compared to many women her age. She fell in love with the handsome boy Katsuhiko Jinnouchi in middle school but could never work up the courage to confess to him. He and his brothers were very popular and always active around the school, sports teams in particular. Katsuhiko was one of the best players on the school baseball team and because of that Yumi began her lifelong obsession with the sport.

But it would not be so easy, Katsuhiko and his brothers were sent to a prestigious high school due to their family connections. If Yumi wanted to ever have a chance with him she'd have to follow them and that would mean scoring high on her exams. This led to the quiet geek girl studying, locking herself away in her room and studying till her eyes were weak and she needed to start wearing glasses.

But it was successful! She made it into the same class as Katsuhiko even! It seemed like fate was drawing them together. Now all she needed was the courage to confess her feelings to him. But the timing never seemed just right. And as time began to run out and the big game was coming she was advised by her friends not to confess. Such a sudden rush of emotions might throw off his game and ruin it for everyone!

But she couldn't help herself as the spring came and the cherry blossoms bloomed. A note left in his locker, a secret meeting under the trees as pink petals drifted on the breeze. It was like something out of a romance novel. She confessed...and he accepted. It seemed that he had longed to confess to her as well but had never been able to work up the courage himself. He had always noticed her at his games and thought that she was a beautiful flower among the student body.

Shortly after High School they were wed with his families blessing, and not long after that (In fact almost scandalously soon) They gave birth to their first son, Ryouhei. A young couple with a son in a modern day Japan however had to work hard to support their growing family. As such instead of college Ryouhei threw himself with gusto into the career of a fire fighter, while Yumi stayed home to take care of their son and make buttons as a form of supplemental income. It was dull tedious work but every day when Ryouhei came home to their tiny six Tatami apartment.

Time and hard work bore fruit and in time they were able to move into a small house. As Ryouhei grew he made his family proud with his hard work in school and success in baseball. A sports scholarship helped pay for him to attend the most prestigious High School in the area. To top it off Yumi gave birth to two children in a short number of years. Yuuhei and Kyouhei.
Life is glorious for Yumi, she has her family, her friends, and nothing could be more lovely. Even when chaos reigns and doom seems unstoppably close the support of her family and their courage and energy is enough to keep her from giving in to despair and fear. A dangerous computer program took over a digital world known as Oz one summer and Yumi's family stood up brave and strong to fight it and defeat it. She threw her support behind the youngest of the clan as they fought and won saving the world. In that same short few days her eldest son Ryouhei successfully pitched the championship game for his team. It was broadcast on one of the few channels not dedicated to covering the chaos the computer program was causing.
Time passed, and the family was thrown into a panic as one of it's youngest, the boy known as Kazuma went missing. And then? So too did Yumi. Whisked away to the digital world.

Character personality-  Yumi is a sweet girl really. A mother, warm and kind and a little silly at times. A sports geek with a passion for base ball and snack foods. She loves her family dearly and has devoted the majority of her time to being a stay at home mommy caring for her three sons and beloved husband (Who at times is just as childish as the kids)

She is a bit of an overemotional dork at times as well, particularly when it comes to sports and her family. She is the ultimate team Mommy cheering on her eldest in every game he's played in and encouraged her children and husband in all their endeavors.   She may seem like a submissive housewife and while that is mostly true she has a flame of passion inside her that when ignited will send her flying into an energetic and wild woman.

Finally, when nervous and upset she tends to eat. She is a compulsive eater...but it makes her feel better.

Digimon personality- Penmon is a spunky but not terribly intelligent young Digimon. Emotional, energetic and full of himself he believes he is the main character in some sports drama manga or anime. of coarse...he would have to actually land a spot on his high schools baseball team first.

He is also a ladies man, always willing to flirt with a pretty young Digimon and brag about his perceived skills. Unfortunately his lack of focus and ease at becoming distracted particularly by girls he tends to fail at high tension situations like being the pitcher all star that he wants to be.

Character abilities- Yumi has no particularly exceptional skills, she is a mother, a housewife, and a baseball fan.  But what she lacks in above average skills she makes up for in compassion and spirit.

Sample RP-

It was as usual a busy day at the open air market. Yumi found herself surrounded by people and monsters of all shapes and sizes as they swarmed and moved like a churning ocean of life moving from table to table snatching up rock bottom deals on fresh food. A smart shopper always knew what items were cheaper to buy here and what was cheaper to buy at the indoor shopping center.

Of coarse shopping along side Digimon was another game entirely. Haggling over prices became a more dangerous game when the shop keeper had the ability to spit fire or the strength of a professional wrestler...or worse. So if the sweet and loving housewife Yumi could see herself arguing with a fully grown Vegimon over the price of the watermelon she was trying to buy...she might think twice.

"That's ridiculous! Charging that much for melon is nothing short of a crime!"

"If you don't like it you can buy a smaller melon." Hissed the Vegimon, "I'm sure a human of your size doesn't need a full sized melon."

"Now you insult your customers? What kind of service is this? I won't pay a bit more then I paid last week!" She slammed a fist onto the counter making the booth shake and startling the Digimon. Was that a spark of Digisoul from her fist? Maybe? She didn't look nearly strong enough to be concerned about but it was so hard to tell with humans.
"The season for melon is over, the price is bound to go up." Vegimon argued but that earned a scoff from Yumi, "You get all your melons from a tree behind this building! You're lucky I don't just march around back and pluck some myself!"
"Sssshhh!" The Vegimon lashed his vines furiously, "You tryin' to ruin my business?! How'd you find out about that?"
Yumi simply smiled in an unsettling sort of way, "I'll take that melon at the same price as the one I bought last week." She patted the full sized melon affectionately, "And you're lucky I don't insist on a discount."
The Vegimon weighed his options and sighed letting his leaves droop. "Fine, but how did you find out?"
Yumi chuckled and stored the melon in her D-reader, "I got lost trying to find the lightpost and stumbled into your garden. It really is amazing." She beamed and paid him, "There really is nothing like a slice of Watermelon in the summer." 
And thus ended just one of many battles that every good mother had to fight to ensure affordable and delicious food for her family. A modern day warrior of the open air market.

Sample journal entry-

HI THERE! It's me Penmon! Be sure to remember my name because I'm a main character!

A main character?

You bet! Super Baseball allstar pitcher for the Holy Forest Hunters Penmon!

Oh? You play baseball?  So does my Ryouhei! He's the pitcher for his team as well!

Well naturally...well err...actually I suppose I have to get onto the team first, but how could they turn down furious flippers like these? Hiiiiyah! Whooowahhh!  *Crash noise*
...huh. Well I'm sure you'll make it if you just try hard enough. Baseball really is a wonderful sport! The thrill of the pitch, the roar of the crowd the...

The babes! Ladies love a pitcher! You think Right field is getting the hotties? Oh no! Right field is for guys who like chubby chicks!

...my husband played right field...
*Cough cough* I think we're getting off track here. You're supposed to be introducing yourself to the digital world!

Oh...oh right um. Hello everyone my name is Yumi Jinnouchi a-and um...w-well *sniffle*

Whoa whoa what's wrong lady? What's with the tears?

I-I-I j-just *sniff* R-realized t-that i-if I'm s-s-stuck here...I-I won't be there f-f-for my boys!

Boys? Wait like...your family?

A-and my husband, *sniffle whimper* K-k-KATSUHIKOOOOOOOOO!!! *Bawls*

U-uh...so um...yeah good to meet you digital world!

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