Oct 13, 2005 08:08
Mmm.. life is good. Although I'm not really enjoying the whole academic aspect of high school, the socialization is great. I love my friends. So I had my birthday party on Friday night, and it was fun. There were a bunch of people there. Lol... Have I ever mentioned how much I hate the sophmore guys? (Most of them anyways) I invite two who I actually think are decent, and they make up excuses about babysitting or having a family thing, and instead, they ditch me for POKER NIGHT. Yeah, you're pretty stupid if you thought I wouldn't figure that out. Sheesh.... morons. Anyways... back to the subject. Birthday party. I got Van to cross dress for us in a dutch looking dress from my mom's college days. Heheh... and then Corey tried it on. Thanks to my awesome friends, I'm the new owner of a pimpin' orange van (think hot-wheels but better. No, not a real car, dummy...), love beads (hehe we'll see if they work.), a GORGEOUS necklace that y'all have to see, the Hawthorne Heights CD, the newest Seether CD, $40, a really pretty gel candle with sea shells at the bottom, 2 new PINK nail polishes, and a handheld Yahtzee game!!! My friends KICK ASS. Oh and did I mention Van kissed me??? (On the cheek, but still. Hello, it's VAN for goodness sake. I love my metrosexual studmuffin. And his sexy mohawk.) Anywhoo... I'm off to attend to the horror known as academics. Love ya all!