Klutziness redefined...

May 29, 2005 19:51

Hmm... So I went to Jeff's grad party. I think he was happy with my gift. I hope so anyways. Gosh... I'll never stop embarassing myself will I? I knocked the freaing CD right out of his hands. I swear I am such a KLUTZ! Anyways... I had a fun time laying on his neighbors lawn regaining my composure from embarassing myself. Heheh... The sky was pretty. Then after that, Apes and I went to Walmart for about an hour... Then came home... Today I went to church, then Sara and I went to Mon's grad party for a bit... then we went to Cafe Dodici becasue Sara wanted to see it, and I wanted to show her the monkey pictures in the bathroom. (And of course, we wanted to see Pants too...) Oh by the way Pants, sorry... I think I stepped on your toe when I hugged you. :S After that, we went to another grad party, then we went to get movies, then went back to my house to watch the movies. Lol... And then Sara had to go home, so here I am. Mwahahahaha. So earlier, I was just sitting here typing away, and my dad asks me, 'Katie, do you want to go fishing tomorrow?' And I like fishing, so yeah. Apparently, I'm goin fishin' tomorrow. Umm.... Well, I guess I'll end for now. Love you all!


P.S. - I got an online photo album. There's not a super big amount of pics at the moment, but still. http://photobucket.com/albums/y266/Sweet_Misery2008/
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