"that which doesn't snap off makes us count our holy ways" (ha-ha-ho-ho-hee-hee *snort!!*)

Jun 07, 2005 01:52

According to the past, i have been nothing more than a twelve year old boy with nineteen years of experience-or so-and not until recent acknowledgements on what is soon to come, have i suddenly mustered up the courage to "grow-up". Living as a teenage-angst free citizen has not only conjured up testimonials on my own behalf, yet has simply made realizations of sorts occur throughout this transitional mind-set that is soon to take place on the 27th of June... 20 years old, and still not in college-Just now technically acquiring my teen-aged-angst - cannot find a suitable career to suffice this cubicled-depression of the telemarketing business - and mima still wants her $200+ monthly... regardless of future arrangements... and then there is the marijuana frenzied peers of the 21st Century!

Whether it takes two days, or thirty-six weeks, there will never be a time frame that will ever surpass the patience, or more importantly the gratitude intensified by the swift sensation of just the everyday baulderdash.. whether the sitting, or driving, or watching the ol' boob tube.. regardless, there is no tangible reasoning upon this supposed emotional liberation.

...and that is the beauty of it

*INSERT-TRANSITIONAL-PHRASE*, time is all it is-was-and ever will be.. for life,death, and all the low income - time consuming jobs of the mid-west poverty stricken youngsters... just wait it out.


Growing up is soo much fun, and even more practical with a tire-rod to frighten off the ghastly demons that may linger amongst the shadows, of the windows of cornfield school-yards. Oh, and the other stuff...

Oh boy~
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