if you would like details of our meeting ill be around

Aug 07, 2005 21:53

weird war was magical
and majestic
i lied and said me and nicole were on mescilline (to make it seem imperitive)
and requested HEY ORPHEUS!
mr. sevenious told me " yah that wont happen,,becaue know one knows how to play that"
the show was perfect
we had a long talk while everyone else was doing drugs in teh car or in the bathrooms
i didnt expect anyone to belive me when they came back
but it sank in for everyone when he fallowed us downsairs sevral times
he told me i looked amazing
...thaats amazing
i got to meet michelle may IDOLITRY
they said they had some time to kill be before they went to cleavland the next day
so i said my treat coffee in the morning
(nicole latter explained to me the error of the invite, doug yelling shane yelling genral embarassment)
killer of a life long dream
we exchanged #'s and had a good chat the next day
"whats the rumpus"
it was perfect

OSLO was a dream yesterday . eveyone says how mean the sushi cheffs are , but when this crazy woman keept yelling at me about champagne and i was getting obiously flustered( there was no register tape to all things were not in working condition)and the otehr waiter had to leave to do a dance preformance down stairs!!!!!(it was my first day ever waiting ,,they put me with parties of 10 and 6 all night ) yoshi conforted me unlike the stories you hear it was very nice . and my favroite friend at work snuck me mochi green tea ice cream ball,then a gin and gingerale downstairs BUSTED
anyways it was fun but embarassing, maybee if he wasent wearing such a sweet neon shirt it wouldnt have made me feel as stupid
"i didnt know you were 21, so just pretend i took it away form you"
so i sat it down after a min. and took off, i got nicole on the guest list and had to call her bacck and say haha im done for
i lost my car and got out at like 230 walking around
brush and cadillac and eveyother bad road in detroit
by my self obiously lost
it took forever to find it

brians on tour for a weekand a half
so i want to pratice everry second im not at work
any takers
or party thats allso appropriate
im loneley and sad at my house aat night
irrationall sllumber parties
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