Jul 22, 2004 20:05

eskimos mom kicked me out  so i left and  i went to danielles  and  she  keeped fucking with  me she  was  yelling and bitching at my  about stupid  shit  and  she  fucking knew i wasn't in a good  mood i mean i just  got kicked out  and had no where to go  and  i was worried  that i might get sent away  and  shit  and  so when she  kept fucking with me  i slaped her in the face
 i really wish i hadn't done  that but i was in a horrible  mood  and i know that  that gives me no rite  to slap her  and  then  i fucking left cause i was soooo pissed and i was ready to break everything in her house so i  went  to the gas staion  and broke their bathroom. then i went to go see my  P.O.  and  eskimos mom was their  and  she fucking through a fit in my P.O.s office saying she didn't want me their anymore and my P.O. said that  she has to bring it up to the judge  because she agreed to keep me her untill i get off probation and  this totaly fucking sucks  where gonna go into court and thier gonna say that  they got no where for me to go  cause my mom don't want me  and i got no family  so their proably gonna  send  me  to a foster home  or spring mountian  or  some instatution  and  this  fucking blows chunks
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