mmmmmm Chef Boyardee (how the hell does he spell his name?)

Dec 11, 2004 18:50

Hello to all, my name is Matt... to you, however, it's Lord Matt... and I suggest you take me seriously as I will rule the world quite shortly. This, in fact, is the very purpose of my live journal. Taking over the world isn't an easy thing, you know, and I will need some loyal henchmen... I only have two hands, after all. Anyway, on to the plot: Okay, so the world is inhabited by between six and seven billion people. Number one: that's way too many people, so we will start by arming large groups of starfish with tasers, and para-dropping them from airplanes onto places like China, which is overpopulated. Overpopulation removal--check. Number two: Guns. There are far too many guns one our peaceful little planet... guns that could jeopardize our plot to take over the world. How do we fix the problem, you ask? Simple. Start a world war, then, develop a soft music promoting peace. This will reinvent the hippie era. Hippies, as many may know, were known for putting flowers in gun barrels, which they shall do again, with every gun on the planet because there will be so many hippies doing it. The genious in this segment of the plan comes in having all flowers across the earth dipped in a crazy glue-titanium solution that will hold the flowers in the guns, and render them useless. Gun problem--check. Well then, Lord Matt is tired of typing, so he may continue his plan tomorrow, or some time in the near future. Anyone interested in joining my plot before they have starfish dropped on their heads is asked to let me know ASAP. Thank you.
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