May 13, 2007 15:08
Wow, it's been a while since I've wrote an entree. It's crazy how fast time passes. Me and Joseph are doing well, its been a bumpy ride sometimes, but things are starting to finally pull through.
Went to Prom w/Joe and aldo recently went on a road trip with muh baybehz to North Carolina to visit Jacci and drive his uncles vette up to his new place. It was the most fun I've had in a while. Seriously, the best road trip EVER! I'll have to post some pics from our trip and from prom soon.
I went and saw my sister Jacci, and stayed at Joe's uncles place on the top of a mountain, how cool is that shit? It was beautiful, looking down on the city at night. We went to Asheville, looked around downtown, and also saw where my sister works, at the Biltimore estates. Got to get in for free, shoo shweet.
I'm excited to move there. It makes me feel refreshed. Even the air is different. It's like breathing for the first time. I dunno. I love it though. Me and Joe had a badass time.♥♥