Hello ladies! One of my new years resolutions is to create a working home managment binder (control journal). If you dont know what this is it's basically a 3 ring binder with all your household business in it. I've done research on-line and found a ton of great ideas. Most of the ideas came from homeschooling mother websites (I'm not a homeschooling mother-but damn those women are organized!). Also from organizedhome.com -which is an awesome website. Anyway-I wanted to hear your thoughts and suggestions. So far my categories are as follows:
phone numbers and addresses
doctors information
medication information
travel-to pack lists
travel-before we leave lists
dog information
spring cleaning
holiday sections-menus, entertaining, etc
account information (numbers, address's etc)
master occasion list (all birthday and anniversary's)
menu forms for my weekly menu
grocery lists
regular cleaning routine
party planner
insurance information
utilities service directory
online services and account info
grand cleaning plan
http://organizedhome.com/complete-text-cleaning-grand-planpasswords on the internet page
Anything I'm missing? Any suggestions of your own?