Friday Five - What's in your pantry?

Feb 09, 2007 08:57

A Friday Five to close out our Foodie week. madripoor_rose made an interesting post this week about stocking a pantry. So, this week's Friday Five is:

What five items to you always have in your pantry/shelves?

I'm going to discount some staples such as spices, sugar, flour, coffee and tea because they just may be universal but everything else is fair game.

My five:

1. Rice - I love rice and would eat it with every meal if my family wouldn't object. Sadly, they demand a potato or pasta now and again.

2. Oatmeal - We eat it for breakfast and use it for lots of baked items. Oatmeal muffins...mmmmm.

3. Peanut Butter - Kids, what can I say?

4. Beans - Canned or dried. I love beans almost as much as rice. I think I may have been born into the wrong culture.

5. Canned Tomatoes - Whole, puree, chunks, sauce. In a perfect world I would grow and freeze/can my own but Tutorroso is a pretty good substitute. A can of tomatoes, rice and beans are the base products for a hundred dishes so I always feel like there is something I can come up with.

So, what's in your pantry?

pantry, friday five

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