You Are Fall!
What Season Are You? I've spent far too long taking quizzes, but this was the only one I thought worthy to post. I love fall, and it describes me well.
So here I am, three days out of high school. I'm bored already, but happy. I miss journalism.
Chances are good that I will be starting a new job soon, working in an office and making $600 a week. The figures are actually quite mindboggling. The only thing is, I may not be able to go on vacation if I'm working full time. I never had anything concrete planned, however. We were thinking about visiting Virginia as we do every summer, and Amanda and I talked about getting together, but both are doubtful. I'll be working my ass off, but the idea doesn't bother me much considering how much money I will have. I am so sick of being broke and this will be a lovely change of pace.
You know, it's the weirdest feeling. I couldn't say how much I hated every minute of highschool, and how I gritted my teeth during the last few weeks, just trying to get through it. But I as much as I loathed it, it was my lifestyle. It was miserable but mechanical, and I had grown accustomed to it. Now I must adopt a new lifestyle, and that scares me just a little bit.