Jun 28, 2005 23:21
i should've known that this is where i'd end up...
this is where it's always been for me.
same again, and again.
i thought, "hey..maybe it will be different"
i was wrong,
because when i put my whole self into it..
i get torn to pieces.
and i dont like that feeling very much.
i feel like im gonna throw-up,
and not cause of my cold.
i want to shrivel up and die.
im hurting.
the one thing i was thinking about when i was away...
what i was waiting for.
i think life would be safer and easier for us all if i just stuck to the ones who i know would never cause hurt, and i know would never be serious..
because falling, falling hard for those who you hope and want things to go farther...
and they never do.
that's the worst feeling ive felt,
and i don't want to have to feel that all my life.