
Jun 16, 2005 19:02

im in honduras right now.\
on an island.rotan.
its absolutely gorgeous.\
white sand..pretty water.
always sunny..
its fricking hot as hell.
muggy...like new york city.
the men here are scary..and my mom has turned red.

i swam with dolphins today. <33
the trainer kissed me. weird.
so did the dolphine though :)
yesterday i went scuba diving with the big air tanks and stuff.
i almost got my certification for diving..so i could do it when ever i wanted..but im gonna finish it when i get to the states.
i got hella tan.
i miss my friends..and have no one to talk to. =/

i saw my older sister the day we got here..monday i think it was.
shes pretty...tall. and she has a huge booty but is skinny.
not fair.
i have her, 2 brothers, a sister, a brother then me and then little people. lol
one of ym bros died..he got shot. my other ones, luis and david have kids. so does ingrid. i am a aunt to four. =] haha.
i see my "mom" next week.
im really scared.
i wonder what she looks like. i see where i get my eyes, mouth, weird little things from..well..yeah.
i miss the wind.
there was a cruise ship that came in the other day..damnnn. americans teared up this place.
tomorrow i am going to drive a scooter/moped/motorcycle. yay
i have made friends with alot of people..they all are really cool.
i am in love with a boy named adam.
i love diving. i think i am obsessed.

i am currently annoyed by bugs, but
i am happy that the dolphin man told me i was gourgeous..when i looked gross cause i was sweating and my hair was pyscho.\
they charge by the mintue..so im gonna go.

<33 i miss you all.

i get home on the 27th actually.

summer school that monday. im actually excited.
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