Nov 25, 2005 08:21
well it has certaqinly been awhile sence iv last ill just fill you guys in...
1) belive it or not...iv been single for about a month now.( im still trying to get used to it...but its not that bad)
3)my grades are better than i thought they would be(3.3 GPA)
4) even though im single... im starting to really like an old friend but i dont know what he will think(any ideas on wut i shuld do?)
5) HAPPY TURCKYDAY!!!(...wait that was yesterday)
6) from the evidence of the abovew i most certainly cant spell
7) I finaly got back in touch from my ex from N.C... we are both like brother and sister now so its kinda wierd talking about us gfoing out...( seems like insest...)
well i gotta~split soo ill "kyp"