that follows. I'm trying to balance all my a-mode taking care of myself (meds, eating good, rest, peace o mind) with working on the b-mode stuff that clogs & crowds its way into the forefront of my mind - stuff about love, and relationships, and longing, and loneliness. The-rapist gave me some 'tough talk' today about how important it is to
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With age comes experience. With experience come lessons. With lessons come knowledge. I have nothing but respect for the vast experience folks who are older than me have. On the other hand, I learn a whole lot from people who are younger than me every day....simply because their perspective is different.
People who once upon a time would have annoyed me don't seem to bother me so much any more. I have more tolerance for their limits because I am less interested in their shortcomings or whatever fears keep them locked away in their small worlds and more interested in connecting with people who have big fields to explore or deep oceans to swim in. Even if they themselves are limited in other ways. Does this make sense?
Thanks for the email love mommie. I had a lot happening this week to process. I love you.
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