Well, we (Ted+Heidi) had made a pencil/musket out of a paper towel roll
a few weeks ago...and on my LJ yesterday, we decided to do it again
when we all worked together. Guess what!?!?!? We all did!
Brian getting raped
So, here is the newly redesigned Pencil! (Erotic pleasures performed by Heidi)
Here I'm shooting Brian with the musket while he's being kicked ;\ *ouch*
"Fire in the hole" -Heidi ;D!
Then, someone needed to order a cake! Guess what that hoe used to write it?!
Then...I made sure every customer kicked Heidi
Later, I stabbed that slut
She started to bleed ;'(
It's a straw...or so he says
All in all, it was a goooood day at work =D!!1!!1!!
Thanks to all who were involved and to the owners for paying us!! Needs to happen again plz!