Changing The Workout Schedule

Nov 23, 2010 19:04

I must be crazy to decide to hit the weights EVERYDAY instead of 4 times a week starting from this week onwards. People have been complaining that others bulk up from the intensity but not me.

Okay for one, I don't touch those protein shake or mass gainer supplements (since I really can't afford them anyways); two, I always stick to the same machines everytime I go and hardly switch to more varieties. And I realised I have neglected some areas and focused too much on others instead...

So for 2 days already, I tried to emphasize on the triceps since I really did not do any exercises that train the area, and man, it was freaking strenuous! The dips almost drained most of my strength to leave some for the shoulders (which is another area I almost neglected) and arms. And I can't do much cardio so I skipped the 10 minute warm-up on the treadmill already. And all these (almost) full upper body various exercises took a toil almost immediately after the now-extended-to close to 1 hr 30 min. Which means it's good! So I can stop thinking about my sex-drive and really turn in earlier than usual...

Great thing I had a banana before the workout today; the small boost helped alot after my brunch.

california gym

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