Aww, bless your heart. XD

Sep 08, 2010 14:16

My doctor, man. Bless his heart, the guy is trying.

...Trying to speak English, I mean. XD

It's obvious that he's been studying, because now he's all gung-ho to do everything in English when I go in. Last year? Not a word of English came out of that dude's mouth. Heck, just three months ago, not a word. Now, I walk into the office, go, "Shitsurei shimasu. Ohayou gozaimasu," and get "Good morning!" back, and he launches into everything in enthusiastically halting English, kind of like a puppy who has just learned a trick and is trying to show it off. It's like, "Look, look, I learned these new words, look, look! I can do it! I can do it!" and bouncing (I honestly get the feeling he started studying because he has a fairly regular patient who is a native English speaker, ie, me). So we did most of the exam in English, which seemed to make him quite happy. ^^;;;; Last month, half of it was English, this month, nearly all of it. He's trying, and it's kind of adorable, and not completely obnoxious.

And yes, I used to teach elementary school; it's the only way to explain how I wanted to clap and go, "Good job!" and give him a sticker. *dies* I swear, teach little kids for any length of time and suddenly, every encouraging reaction turns into what you'd do for a little kid.

On the not so fun side, my stomach is still being evil, and so my dosage is getting upped and a new pill has been added (I'm so sad--when he upped my dosage last month, everything was great at first, then the last week my stomach went, "Ahahahaha, 'bout that" and decided sending up stomach acid to try and eat away at my throat again was the best idea evar~). And since him pressing on my stomach produces a lot of "OW!" from me, next month, more tests! Luckily, it's just going to be an ultrasound, to check my gall bladder and other little organs, but hey.


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