I didn't mean to spend a shade over a month with no updates. So much for being good about updating over break - blame my comprehensive exams, which were every bit as stressful and unpleasant as I thought they would be. Well, I'm back now anyway. I hope the internets didn't break while I was gone.
One more piece of meta-LJ from me for the next
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What I find interesting is that so many people (myself included) talk about LJ as a past-tense phenomenon. Or more precisely, we talk about the halcyon days of the queer-nerdy-Jewish axis (which included many non-Jews and a handful of heterosexuals) as though it's a past tense phenomenon. To use the analogy I employed in response to latestarter, it's like a once-popular pub which has been deserted because the former patrons either (a) flocked to the disco down the street, or (b) stopped drinking.
Nonetheless, LJ isn't quite dead yet. (If this is a nerdy post, I might as well include an allusion to Monty Python.) While the joint isn't hopping quite like it used to, there is still enough participation to make it worthwhile.
In fact, somebody should propose a government stimulus package to reinvigorate the queer-nerdy-Jewish axis on LJ. The federal government should recruit about fifty to one-hundred writers, between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five, to recreate the composition of the Q-N-J axis. They should represent a spectrum of political opinion from anarchist to Ayn-Rand-groupie, and while most of them will be atheists or agnostics, it probably wouldn't hurt to through in a token believer or two just to spice up the discussions. They will be required to post regularly, and comment on each other -- and recruit similar Q-N-D folk to LJ.
Do you think it could work?
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