So for IDS we have this really stupid research project where we pick a topic relating to "Computing, Networks, and Collaboration" or something and make a website about it.
My topic is Instant messaging and its effects on real-life social networks, very lame. But anyways I wanted to interview people to see what they had to say, so if anyone is
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10. This one is a long one: Do you think IMing supplements or substitues real-life/face-to-face socializing, either for you personally, or for people in general? In other words, does talking to someone online strengthen your offline relationship with that someone? Do you think that having IM deterrs people from having real contact with people?
I think IMing does supplement or substitute real-life/face-to-face socializing. such as this survey thingy. It's not like a formal interview. It is a bit tough because you are interviewing mainly your friends, but what about other people from different age groups and backgrounds? (OoOo.. maybe i can pass this survey to someone who might have really different answers...) But anyways, like I said, it's not a formal interview and I'm just answering with some free time. It does supplement because if you actually called me up later on in the day (or some other time), my answers wouldn't have been this long. they'd prob be one word answers. And this way, you get things verbatim! yay! Which isn't a really good thing for me, because I'm not going back and editing much. Ok, going back to the point about relationships... that's a different story. Of course it does not supplement relationship buildup and real life contact because a relationship can't be built up of simply a collection of conversations. Sure, you may become close emotionally, but sometimes, the time spent online should be spent getting to know each other physically too. Other people may think otherwise - meeting online and all that. Strengthening the relationship offline? Online really doesn't do much for a relationship that has already started in person. It's just a normal conversation. The only way IMing may deter having real contact with another person is if that person never steps out of the house to grab a cup of orange juice. It depends on that person. If a person feels insecure about themselves, they would definitely prefer to socialize through the computer. I don't know anybody like that though (at least I don't think...) so I could say that it almost never happens. Having no real life contact with someone is a big thing that IMing has no direct effect on.
cool questions :) hope my answers helped!
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