[Castiel searches the House for a basin, towels, pitcher, and chair. When he finds them he sets the chair in the middle of the first floor hallway, fills the pitcher with water, and pulls off his coat. His suit jacket soon follows with his tie and he rolls up his sleeves before kneeling on the floor in front of the chair, the basin, pitcher, and towels sitting between him and the chair. He turns on his wrist device to make an announcement.]
Anyone who would like to receive The Washing of the Feet may do so. You do not need to be Christian or believe in my Lord to receive this Rite. If you would like more information, simply ask me. I will be in the first floor hallway until around ten until I move into Room 115 for reflection. I will be unavailable all day tomorrow on Good Friday. My Lord deserves that much at least.
[He shuts off the device and waits for anyone to come.]
[When ten o'clock pm rolls around, Cas puts the basin, pitcher, towels in the first floor bathroom before heading to Room 115. He looks around at the small collection of candles he managed to gather from around the House earlier before grabbing a pack of matches and lights the candles. He kneels and quietly prays:]
Pange, lingua, gloriosi proelium certaminis
et super crucis trophaeo dic triumphum nobilem,
qualiter redemptor orbis immolatus vicerit.
De parentis protoplasti fraude factor condolens,
quando pomi noxialis morte morsu corruit,
ipse lignum tunc notavit, damna ligni ut solveret.
Hoc opus nostrae salutis ordo depoposcerat,
multiformis perditoris arte ut artem falleret
et medelam ferret inde, hostis unde laeserat.
Quando venit ergo sacri plenitudo temporis,
missus est ab arce patris natus orbis conditor
atque ventre virginali carne factus prodiit.
Vagit infans inter arta conditus praesaepia,
membra pannis involuta virgo mater adligat,
et pedes manusque crura stricta pingit fascia.
Lustra sex qui iam peracta tempus implens corporis,
se volente, natus ad hoc, passioni deditus,
agnus in crucis levatur immolandus stipite.
Hic acetum, fel, arundo, sputa, clavi, lancea;
mite corpus perforatur; sanguis, unda profluit,
terra pontus astra mundus quo lavantur flumine.
Crux fidelis, inter omnes arbor una nobilis,
nulla talem silva profert flore, fronde, germine,
dulce lignum dulce clavo dulce pondus sustinens.
Flecte ramos, arbor alta, tensa laxa viscera,
et rigor lentescat ille quem dedit nativitas,
ut superni membra regis mite tendas stipite.
Sola digna tu fuisti ferre pretium saeculi
atque portum praeparare nauta mundo naufrago,
quem sacer cruor perunxit fusus agni corpore.
[He sits in silence before beginning the prayer again.]
(ooc: First, The Washing of the Feet is a Christian ritual performed at Holy Thursday services. It is done in memory of what Christ did before the disciples. The basic ritual is that one sits in the chair and a friend or relatively kneels down and washes their feet. It's really cool and humbling. We just celebrated this this evening at our Holy Thursday mass. The prayer Cas says is called the Pange Lingua which is a Latin hymn that celebrates the Passion of Christ, which happens on Good Friday. For any and all questions, feel free to ask! <3)
(ooc: Hey, 2nd ooc guys, sorry, people can go receive the rite and/or visit Cas in reflection, please just indicate which your character is engaging him in. <3)