Nov 13, 2005 13:13
so...on friday i went to josh's with jasmine and azellea, we watched a kinkey sex movie called the secratary, and then the devils rejects...jasmine fell assleep and i was left alone feeling rather awkword so i went and chilled in the kitchen...then i finally fell asleep at 7:30am and woke up at 7:50...lame lame the next day me jasmine azellea and zenn went to town and ate at subway and saw the game table lmao...but then we went back to the plaza and met up with forrest and ned, then we wandered around having mad jedi fights and mr.miller drove by all "dont get into trouble!!" hahahah, it was classic...
but we hung out a while and jasmine left and forst, ned and zenn went to eat nochos at the taos in so i waited for my mom and finally met her and found the rest of everybody and ended up going to zenns with forrest and ned and zellia went to alyssas we go home and chill a while whn margo gets home raging mad and starts yelling and stuff, so we all feel pretty bad and almost run away to some random guys house, but fall asleep instead...then today we chilled for a while then i came home...kay, i have to write two two page papers by i should go...i have to go back to my dads today...uuuuugh, jeeze i dont want to...SAVE MEEE!!!!! anyway...i read a book on how to be happy this morning while everybody slept....very insitefull^_^