May 01, 2006 17:57

Step 1: Put your MP3 player/itunes whatever on random.
Step 2: Post the first line from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 4: Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
Step 5: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!

1. "Well i wonder what its like to be a rainmaker"

2. "I'll be your dream, i'll be your wish, i'll be your fantasy"

3. "I've done alot, god knows ive tried, to find the truth ive even lied"

4. "Wachet auf ruft unds die stimme"

5. "Everytime i look at you i don't understand"

6. "The greatest magicians have something to learn from Mr. Mistofelees conjuring turns"

7. "When this all began i knew thered be a price"

8. "I dont know what to call her, shes too vibrant for a name"

9. "I have often walked down this street before"

10. "Perhaps i had a wicked childhood"

11. "In the velvet darkness of the darkest night, burning bright, theres a guiding star"

12. "You and i we have have to talk, not heart to heart, man to man?"

13. "Little town, its a quiet village, everyday like the one before"

14. "O Magnum Mysterium"

15. "My gift is my song, and this ones for you"

16. "God on high hear my prayer"

17. "No more talk of darkness, forget these wide-eye fears"

18. "To our prosperity, to good health and happines, but most importantly to life"

19. "Never before in my life have i felt so frightened"

20. "Yeah this one goes out to all the babies mammas mammas, mammas, yeah babies mammas mammas"

WOW!!! i hate myself for that lol. any homosexual should have no problem with all 20. well i got a new laptop soo get ready for more random lj entires!! you guys should get this easily!!
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