a quickie.

Jul 02, 2004 17:04

because my friends pages are filled with things for me to do.

stolen from : lo_d

*current clothing: jeans, alabama shirt, nike sandals.
*current mood: bored.
*current taste: coke.
*current hair: up.
*current annoyance: i have to go change the dogs water. boo.
*current smell: polo sport women.
*current thing you ought to be doing: changing the water.
*current jewelry: cross necklace, watch, 2 white "sex" bracelets, eyebrow ring, hemp anklet.
*current book: some kids book. about 3 kids and a boggart. and no, it isnt harry potter.
*current refreshment: nuthin.
*current worry: none really.
*current crush: ummm i guess HOT!kid at kroger. its not a crush, but i think hes fine.
*current favorite celebrity: JOEY!
*current longing: i wanna see my friends NOWWWWW.
*current music: eminem./d12.
*current wish: for the doc appointment to be GOOD.
*current lyric in your head: "somethin something WE FAMILY... aint nothing changed"
*current makeup: carmex?
*current undergarments: under-roos and a bikini top thing. because im lazy like that.
*current regret: i regret a lot of things.
*current desktop picture: mr.JT
*current plans for tonight/weekend: movie night. and weekend trip to alabama for the 4th.
*current cuss word du jour: damnit.
*current disappointment: me!
*current amusement: junk mail
*current IM/person you're talking to: no one.
*current love: colgate brush ups.
*current obsession: nada.
*current avoidance: getting a job, learning to drive. this one chick.
*current thing or things on your wall: down here? oh gosh, um an ass load of cowboys penants, a cowboys cheerleader calander, framed cowboys tickets, magazine covers, articles, cowboys large wall hanging blanket thing. and numerous awards and certificates.

and also:
98% of teenagers do or have tried pot. If you're one of the 2% that hasn't, put this in your journal.
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