(no subject)

Aug 07, 2004 17:05

So I just got back from Church camp at the beach and I'm home for about 12 hours before I'm off to Mel Brown. As a result im doing a lot of laundry. Church camp was cool; everybody's a real person there and you dont get so much of the bullshit of everyday life in the real world. I especially liked that I wasnt the only kid with a mohawk, and that there were some other ska fans present. That made it so that the dance thing on thursday was way more fun than school dances, because there was a mosh pit whenever the song so allowed, and about ten of us were skanking the night away. Unfortunately I (as usual) pretty much failed to get any tail, because of the usual reasons (one girl fell for the geeky guitar player guy, and the other one had some sort of satanic boyfriend back home in tualitown). Still it was a good time. The last night a guy in our cabin informed us all that he was gay, and the less homophobic of us had a greatly enlightening talk until about 3:30 in the morning. Good thing we're methodists, and we dont all fear diversity. Now off to get food and cycle laundry.
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