can anyone shop there?

Mar 30, 2007 17:13

almost every day since i moved here, there's this ASSHOLE playing their annoying car horn, usually between 7 AM-11 PM. it is sort of a mix between the mexican hat dance and the woody the woodpecker theme music, a multi-trumpet, slightly-off-key fanfare of pissing me the hell off. they play it 1-6 times in a row, so my frustration just builds as it repeats.

i vowed to key the car that had that horn, if i ever found it.

i found it today.

it's a big white delivery van with a roll-up back. they drive, find a parking spot, then play the horn a few times. people come out, they roll up the back of the van: it's a portable store with veggies, fruits, frozen/cold foods, meats, etc. it is pretty amazing. i don't know if it's a special store or open to anyone. but i don't think i can key it, the dudes driving it look pretty buff.
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