Battle Control Online. Designating Primary Targets.

Feb 23, 2011 10:30

[You'll most likely find Decker on the outskirts of Mac Anu, tapping away at his Relic as he checks the closest areas. He's also muttering to himself, a slight frown on his face.]

[Mutter mutter mutter]

. . . clear this area first, engaging targets of opportunity as they present themselves . . .

[Mutter mutter mutter]

. . . secure this area as a ( Read more... )

(final fantasy iv) kain highwind, !action post, !event, (the a-team) colonel decker

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highwind_knight February 24 2011, 06:20:55 UTC
[ahh, familiar military discipline -- well, at least some of the phraseology was familiar, even if "sector" sounded odd.]

[Kain's approach was less casual than usual, falling back into said discipline]

What are your plans for this objective? Could you use more men?


col_decker February 24 2011, 06:37:26 UTC
[And Decker looks up from his Relic, eyeing Kain with an eyebrow raised]

If my intel is reliable, we've got a bunch of hostiles in the area around this town - more than there usually are.

I'm planning on clearing out at least one sector and setting up a command post there. Might even try for a second or third, depending on how things go clearing the first sector.

[He turns his attention back to the Relic, marking a couple points of interest on the map before tucking the device away and shouldering his Gun Steel]

Could always use a few good men on a mission like this. What's your name, son?


highwind_knight February 24 2011, 06:52:11 UTC
[Kain eyes him right back, brow lifted in echo and a small sardonic smile threatening ~]

[there's that "sector" business again -- but context tells him it's similar phrasing to "district" or "territory", like as not. good enough, it's always good to gain more precise vocabulary.]

I like the sound of that.

[drawing his blade, Kain brings it to casual rest against his shoulder.]

Highwind; Kain Highwind, of the Dragon Knights of Baron. Yourself?


col_decker February 24 2011, 07:24:46 UTC
[A nod.]

Colonel Roderick Decker, United States Army.

[He hmms thoughtfully to himself. Something about Kain speaks to him.]

Well, Mr. Highwind, I'd say we should find out if our information is reliable - and if it is, we should probably secure the area closest to the town first, before moving on to the rest of the nearest sector.


highwind_knight February 25 2011, 05:05:44 UTC
[with another one of those little smiles, and a lazy sketch of a salute --]

If it's been posted -- and it has -- that's as reliable as it gets in this place. The best way to confirm is with our own eyes.

Shall we, Colonel?

[gesturing, Kain makes as if to head off ~]


col_decker February 25 2011, 16:29:33 UTC
[Decker grins.]

I don't see any reason not to, Mr. Highwind. Let's see what we find out there.


highwind_knight February 26 2011, 04:41:01 UTC

[and with that, Kain is off like a herd of turtles -- because one doesn't want to be on the move too quickly, that's a certain means of missing any traces.]

If you make any note of activity, recent or otherwise ...

Mmn. How are you at tracking?

[he's hit-and-miss himself, with these unfamiliar beasties, but scanning the terrain nonetheless.]


col_decker February 26 2011, 04:54:16 UTC
[And Decker's close by, eyes flicking about the area, looking for any evidence of recent passage by whatever creatures roam this particular area]

Depends on how familiar I am with the target.

[It's not that he can't track something unfamiliar - there's always evidence of a creature's passing - but knowing more about its behavior makes it that much easier]

. . . You see something?


highwind_knight February 26 2011, 05:16:10 UTC
Fair enough ...

[Kain's response trails off, his attention fixed ahead of them both]

... Possibly. There.

[pointing still ahead and somewhat to their left]


col_decker February 26 2011, 05:26:36 UTC
[Decker squints a bit, fixing his attention on that area. He doesn't see anythi-

Wait. Wait just a moment . . .

What was that? A brief movement of some kind?]

. . . One o'clock. Thought I saw something.


highwind_knight February 26 2011, 13:36:11 UTC
[the slightest of nods --]

Let's go --

[and Kain is on the move, blade at the ready]


col_decker February 26 2011, 17:22:25 UTC
[And Decker's close by, covering your flank with a grin on his face and his Gun Steel drawn.]

Right. Got your flank.

[Despite his seeming eagerness to get into combat, though, Decker's still keeping his eyes and ears open for anything that might get in the way.]


highwind_knight February 27 2011, 08:45:59 UTC
[closer, closer, with Kain not quite able to resist muttering irritably under his breath over his inability to dragon's-leap ...]

[then he stops, adjusting his grip on his blade.]

There. Three beasts; do you see them? I can't make out the details, but the movement says three.

Straight run, or flanking maneuver?


col_decker February 27 2011, 14:49:12 UTC
[A slight nod, as Decker's fingers tighten on his bayonet.]

I see 'em.

[His eyes flick briefly over the terrain around them, as if looking for something]

Hmm. Flanking, I think.


highwind_knight February 28 2011, 01:59:43 UTC

[Kain promptly begins to veer to one side, trusting Decker to mirror the action on the other. flanking is a go --]


col_decker February 28 2011, 16:38:04 UTC
[And Decker does just that - his eyes watching the creatures, the terrain, and Kain's progress, even as he heads for the crest of a nearby hillock. Should serve as a decent vantage point.]

I hope this works . . .

[Soon enough, Decker's in position, crouching atop the hillock with his Gun Steel at the ready, drawing a bead on the closest of the three creatures - and waiting for Kain to signal that he's ready.]


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