one displaced prince | action/video

Feb 16, 2011 18:00

[ At the Chaos Gate, a particular trio have been warped in, one nary a moment after the other, in a curious high neat pile. A broad-shouldered redhead on his back on the bottom, a dark-haired one on him, and then a cheerful blonde sitting on top, hardly ruffled. When the middle is warped in, he lands on the other with an elbow in his gut. The redhead lets out a whumph as the air's knocked out of him, gasping. ]

Wow~ This place is pretty cool, huh guys~?

[ A grunt. ] Eco, get off! Linna, are you okay?

I'm perfectly-- [ A few wheezing, stuttering coughs until he gets his lungs working once more in tandem with his spasming diaphragm. ] I'm perfectly all right, Your Highness. Are you unharmed!?

[ Eco's slipping off the pile now and taking a good look around, stretching his limbs like's he's been the one under everyone and not on top without a care. A thoughtful hum, and he cups his chin in his hand inquisitively. ] This doesn't look like any town I've ever seen...

[ Meanwhile, in the background, Belca's climbing off Linna, holding out a hand to help him up before looking around. ] What... Where are we?

[ He takes it so as not to seem rude, although he doesn't allow any of his weight to pull on the Prince's arm. And proceeds to dust off the boy's clothing before his own, and then to assess the situation. ] I can't say it's a town I've been to before, either. Or heard about. Sir Eco, are you all right as well? ...And where did you get those clothes? [ And seems to realize he and Belca both have different outfits on as well, proceeding to examine their quality. ]

Huh? What're you -- oh! [ And now Eco's looking at his own. Swish-swish-- goes the skirt MANLY DANCER CLOTH around his waist when he swings his hips. ] These are pretty nice, aren't they?

[ That's when it seems to hit Belca, and he stares at their outfits, at the place around them. Definitely not Azelprade, definitely-- And he stops, stares at Linna. ] Wait, Linna... Eco. [He looks a little shocked, voice just a little strained.] Eco, it's Linna--

[ A head tilt, releasing the fabric of belca's sleeve. Still short, it seemed, which only caused a crease in his brow for a troubled expression. ] Yes, Your Highness? We... [ And it dawns on him. ] We had been preparing for the induction ceremony for Crown Prince Orcelito. So we've been abducted? [ He tenses, then, and goes for his sword. Only it isn't at his side; instead there's a large broadsword strapped to his back, which puzzles him further. ] ...What's going on here?

[ Surprise crosses his face at Linna's words, and he shakes his head at Belca. Don't say anything.. ] Don't know~ Maybe someone around here'll tell us.

[ He can't understand why-- But Eco has a point, and Belca shuts up, frowning. Glancing at Linna again, how he seems to be okay. It's a relief. More than he can say. ] We need to figure out where we are. [ grumble grumble ] ...and maybe get something to eat.

[ Linna perks at the mention of food, his stomach giving a particularly agreeable rumble. He laughs easily, as though the situation doesn't bother him too terribly, and glances around the round building they're in. ] Well, the people don't seem too threatening. Shall we find something to eat then? [ He doesn't wait for agreement, however, before taking the lead and examining the two kiosks on either side of the gate. Neither of them carry food, but one of the NPCs tells him there's shops in the town square, just outside and over the bridge. When he walks back to the pair, his Relic rings and startles him. He fishes it out and stares at it, turning the device over in his hands. His clumsy fingers happen to hit the record button, and it goes to video mode. ] And what's... this? --Ah, the shopkeeper said there's food available in the town square just outside.

[ And Eco's out in a flash, peering out the gate and putting his hand over his eyes to protect them from the sudden light. ] Wow~ It's really big! It might be bigger than Sana! Or Neue Favrille! Hey, Belca, hurry up! Come look!

[ Belca's the last to exit, squinting and covering his eyes as he takes a look around. His eyes go wide, glancing around at the strange world. It's almost incredible, and he can't help wondering what Hector or Orcelito would make of it. But...oh. Linna's words have to take precedence, as his stomach decrees, and he turns to look. ] The town square? This way? [ And a happy little tummy rumble as an almost dreamy look crosses his face. ] I wonder if they have hot food here, too... [ Oh-- but he stops. Gives Eco a look. ] You're not going to add that to one of your songs, are you?

[ The device shows off a shaky, blurring whirl of the three men as Linna turns with a smile, their excitement affecting him as well. His guard is still up, however, and he's keeping close to Belca and Eco to protect them at a moment's notice. He can't help but look at the glittering ocean stretching to the horizon on both sides of the bridge, and the way the setting sun colors the town. ] There's nowhere to go but straight. I see the fountain the shopkeeper mentioned, as well... This town is beautiful.

[Eco's pointedly ignoring any sort of look Belca's giving him - he's too busy looking for his idea memo, and making a partially strangled sound when he can't.] It really is...! [Weeping, guys. He can't immortalize this moment in words right now. If you need him, he'll be slumping down to the ground and making an over-dramatic mess...]

[ A roll of his eyes, and Belca steps past Eco, stretching as he looks around. It really is a pretty place... But that doesn't answer the question of how they got here, or even where here is. There are important things that need to be done back home, there's isn't any time to waste here. He turns to offer Eco a hand, help him stand back up. ] Come on, Eco. Get up. Let's find out what's going on here. Don't get split up. [ Taking charge. Something he's going to have to get used to. And he pauses before turning to Linna, holding out his fist. Just to make sure-- ]

[ There's a pause, as Linna tilts his head and tries to figure out what Belca wants. Then with a small "oh!", he meets it with his own. RESPEK KNUCKLES FOR HIS PRINCE. ] Yes, Your Highness! I'll always be by your side.

[ You guys are ridiculous - Eco takes Belca's hand after a moment, standing up and not letting go of it. Can't let the prince get lost, after all.] How cute, you two~ I'll definitely add that to my song.

( ooc | welcome the +C trio to The World! the tawny text is displacedkiss the Knight, the blue text is displacedprince the Prince, and the purple text is calere the Bard. We'll be tagging at random, so you might end up with all three of us replying!

also please consider this backdated to before the valentine's event! :c )

!action post, (+c: sword&cornett) belca noctircus iii, (bayonetta) bayonetta, (+c: sword&cornett) eco, (+c: sword&cornett) linna orhaldi

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