1st Treasure

Jan 04, 2011 02:57


[There's a girl running around Mac Anu this fine day! She also seems to be pretty darn excited over... well, something. Is she a newbie?]Nyahahaaaa! Did they sneak in a patch while I wasn't looking? The graphics are so clear! And it looks like everything got a style upgrade, too ( Read more... )

(homestuck) eridan ampora, !action post, (inazuma eleven) yuukoku hiroyuki, (star ocean) fayt liengod, (inazuma eleven) kageno jin, (megaman) fairy leviathan, (.hack) mireille

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dimension_door January 4 2011, 22:11:28 UTC
[IMMINENT COLLISION IN 3... 2... 1...]

Oof! [at least he didn't fall down? Sounds like he's a nice guy though, judging by how he laughs off being nearly run over]

Hey, are you all right? Why so excited?


ismellarare January 5 2011, 04:55:39 UTC
Wah! [She stumbles a bit, but recovers quickly.] Ooops! I'm sorry! I must not have been looking where I was going!


dimension_door January 5 2011, 05:06:46 UTC
That's all right. We all have our moments...

But what are you so excited about anyway? [he's genuinely curious. Most of the people here weren't exactly... 'upbeat' from what he could tell]


ismellarare January 5 2011, 05:23:49 UTC
The update, of course! I really wasn't expecting anything big like this when I signed on today, that's for sure! Though I've got to wonder why they didn't make any announcements about it beforehand...


dimension_door January 5 2011, 05:40:56 UTC
Update? You mean... That this isn't how the world normally looks?

Ah, no, I guess if time passes worlds are bound to change. [scratches his head in confusion-] Wait, you said signed on?

Man, not again.


ismellarare January 5 2011, 06:47:50 UTC
Huh? What are you talking about? Mac Anu never looked like this before! And... of course I signed on. How else would I get online?



dimension_door January 5 2011, 07:09:09 UTC
... Yes, yes it is this again. Don't worry about it...

Say, can you try and see if you can log off right now? I, uh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but...


1/2 ismellarare January 6 2011, 00:13:51 UTC
But I just signed on...

Fiiine. Hold on a sec!


2/2 ismellarare January 6 2011, 00:16:32 UTC
[She moves her hands as though she were about to use a keyboard, but... wait. Why are her avatar's hands moving, too? Everything goes cold as she stares at her hands, palms up.]


[This is not happening. This is not happening. She puts a hand to her face, trying to feel for her goggles, but of course they aren't there.]

Th-this is...


dimension_door January 6 2011, 00:26:34 UTC
[seeing her reaction was enough. All things considered, Fayt felt worse for Mireille than he did for himself. It's one thing to find yourself in another game world when you were a part of one before but...

It seems that she was suppose to be a player not an AI]

Hey, are y- [he kneels down so that they're eye level. Asking if she was feeling okay was out of the question; he knew he wasn't when he first found out] We'll figure out someway to get you back, okay?


ismellarare January 7 2011, 02:38:05 UTC
[Mireille's no idiot. She's done the research. While she couldn't piece everything together, the implications of being 'trapped' in the game hit her pretty hard. As such, it takes her a while to respond.]

Y-you will...?


dimension_door January 7 2011, 04:11:12 UTC
Of course. Something like this... [a reassuring smile] I don't think it's fair for people to be toyed with like this. We'll figure out a way to get you back to normal.


ismellarare January 7 2011, 08:17:52 UTC
[She slowly nods, still a little dazed. It's an awful realization, after all.

...Was that a tear?]


dimension_door January 7 2011, 08:47:03 UTC
[No, Mireille, don't cry. 8( Look at this RPG MC look worried for your well-being-]

C'mon, let's go see if there's something we can do for now. [he stands up to dust himself off before holding a hand out for her] Don't cry. You're not alone here; things will work out.


ismellarare January 8 2011, 08:21:49 UTC
[She nods, quickly trying to wipe her eyes dry again. It just wouldn't do to cry in front of a complete stranger like this. She accepts his help up.]

...Mm. I'm sorry, it's just... a lot to take in.


dimension_door January 8 2011, 08:28:13 UTC
... If you want to cry, that's all right. No one will judge you. [a light pat on the head, he doesn't like seeing girls cry okay?]

[still, those 4th Dimension bastards were going to get a piece of Fayt's mind the next time he runs into them- oh wait]


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