
Dec 12, 2010 01:28

What -- is this.

[the single brief thought does no justice to the confusion in Phantom's mind, even as his face betrays not a hint of that confusion. but seeing a macabre dancer stopped dead in Mac Anu's courts is likely a dead give away in any case ...]

I -- alive. Human, apparently. How?

[created reploid, died to return as a cybersoul, now ( Read more... )

!action post, (megaman) fairy leviathan, (07-ghost) hakuren oak, (megaman) hidden phantom

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proclaimedrival December 12 2010, 08:28:30 UTC
[there was a rather frazzled Cleric not far from the Dancer. Hakuren may have looked well-groomed and collected to the average viewer, but a close inspection revealed the contrary; none of his spells or knowledge gained from his time in the Church could help]

.... Souls... a kor? No, too many people are affected...

[he stops muttering every once in a while to look up and around; searching to see if there was anyone else that needed help? Or perhaps seeking out another individual who might have some idea of what was happening?]


amauroskia December 12 2010, 10:37:09 UTC
Who is that, now ...

[the clothing is unfamiliar, as are the strange human's mutterings. the reference to "souls", on the other hand, prompted a brief moment's pause -- until a handful of heartbeats ago Phantom was nothing but]

[and yet he might be a native of the strangely primitive city.]

My pardon --

[swiftly and silently he padded towards the Cleric]

If I may, there are some things I would wish to ask you.


proclaimedrival December 12 2010, 22:05:28 UTC
More like a wars- [Phantom's sudden appearance startles the blond out of his musings. His first reaction was to go on the defensive but that was quickly stifled when the content of the question is properly processed]


My apologies. It's been a hectic few days... [he rubs his temple (a tired soul was he) before turning his attention to Phantom properly. Maybe if Hakuren wasn't so distracted he would have noticed that this Dancer was one he had not seen before. As it was right now...] How can I be of service?


amauroskia December 13 2010, 03:58:08 UTC
[eyes on the startled Cleric, Phantom carefully kept his own stance open and unaggressive. he was not looking for a conflict and made careful effort to telegraph that to the other.]

[it was damned harder to do in a human body. what insanity is this.]

There is no need for an apology. Clearly you have been under strain -- as you say -- and I have come to you at an inoppurtune time.

[he sketched a slight bow, by way of his own apology]

I had the intent to ask you what this city is, and how I may have arrived ... as I am. But you, you appear to have troubles of your own.

Perhaps we may assist each other?


proclaimedrival December 13 2010, 08:13:19 UTC
I wouldn't say there's ever an opportune time in a place like this.

[a pause before his expression turns slightly melancholy] To arrive at this time... [he shakes his head]

Well... There are others like us around here. Helping each other is the only thing we can do for the time being.

This city is called "Mac Anu"; I've heard a few townspeople call it "The Eternal City" as well. As for how we arrived... [a shrug] Your guess is as good as mine.


amauroskia December 13 2010, 08:40:23 UTC
"We". So you have also arrived in this city without warning. If I may ask --

[another tiny bow; the question is rude and he knows it]

-- you appear to be human. Were you always so?

Also you mention "at this time". What is occurring that is prompting such a comment? And what may I offer as aid?

[through serving his Lord, Phantom served Neo-Arcadia. but if he were in another city under duress ... his Lord would approve of such things.]


1/2 proclaimedrival December 13 2010, 08:52:59 UTC
[there's a puzzled expression at the question because... Really? That's not something he got asked all that often]


proclaimedrival December 13 2010, 08:56:10 UTC
Yes? Then again, I've been assuming that most people here are human because no one has corrected me thus far. What a strange thought...


Oh. Yes, about this current predicament we've found ourselves in; several individuals have lost consciousness for seemingly no reason. Right now, those of us still awake have been trying to find information as to why this is happening and why those people have been affected so.


amauroskia December 13 2010, 13:07:00 UTC
I appear to be human; to the limited means at my disposal, I detect as human.

I was not always so.

[even if he were inclined to elaborate, Hakuren's explanation promptly distracts him; now here is an unusual occurrence, definitely --]

Lost consciousness? With no outside prompting, I assume. No sign of illness, toxin, physical flaws?

And these individuals were human or assumed to be so?


proclaimedrival December 13 2010, 22:33:04 UTC
It would certainly explain some things- [stops. Right, the victims. He'll sort through the human/not-human thing later when things aren't quite so hectic]

That's right. As for the question of if they're human or not... I am not entirely sure myself anymore, though it would explain some of the ears I've seen on people.

While I can't speak for everyone, a few of the victims have been brought to a guild. There's no fighting allowed in town, but I'd rather not see them lying out on the streets.


amauroskia December 14 2010, 04:11:44 UTC
Biological, then. Fair enough.

[pausing, he assesses what little information he's been given and then inwardly shrugs. whatever it is -- and Phantom is not at all keen on contracting some biological illness -- it is clearly a concern.]

It has been striking so quickly that the affected fall in their tracks?


... I have little medical skill and nothing suited for flesh and blood. But I am a passable investigator and tracker. If you are still searching for victims I may be able to aid in their location.


proclaimedrival December 14 2010, 05:55:17 UTC
Yes, but since then no one else has been affected. [he stops to think for a moment]

Truthfully, neither poison nor sickness appear to be at the root of this problem. It's as if they're just sleeping...

Oh! If it would not be too much trouble. Those of us still awake and aware have been doing what we can to find everyone but we can only do so much with what we have. And... [he pulls out his Relic] My name is Hakuren Oak. This is a 'Relic' and it's what we've been using to communicate while in The World. Exchanging member addresses allows for private messages to be sent to each other, else one can post to the public forums...


amauroskia December 14 2010, 06:16:37 UTC
If it is not a toxin or a disease but it is shared, there must be a common vector. If not of infection, than of something else.

I am Insyou Phantom; "Phantom" is more than enough, here.

[Phantom is more surprised to discover he also possesses one of these 'Relics'. after a moment of studying it he directs his attention back to Hakuren --]

Perhaps, then, we should exchange addresses.


proclaimedrival December 14 2010, 06:22:37 UTC
'Phantom' hmm...?

It would make keeping track of each other much easier. Here. [he holds out his own Relic] The exchange is done automatically when two or more Relics are held in close proximity.

With any luck, we'll be able to sort out this problem soon enough.


amauroskia December 14 2010, 07:04:00 UTC
A relatively unadorned name, in my city.

[is that a touch of humour ...?]

[Phantom echoes the gesture with his own Relic.]

If enough happen to be working on the details it cannot help but be solved.


proclaimedrival December 14 2010, 07:09:41 UTC

[the Relic emits a few beeps before producing binary cards for both of them; New Member Address has been added to the Relic] And that's it. [as he returns the handheld device to the pouch at his side;] If we find anything new, I'll contact you.

Oh, and if you want to check up on some of the individuals yourself you can find them at Canard's @Home in the Mercenary District.


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