[Action] All we need is music, sweet music

Sep 10, 2010 11:19

[[ooc: Backdated to after Times Two Tuesday when Spin hits level 20 because happy Agents are win~]]

[The pure joy he feels when he hits level twenty after months is only marred slightly when he discovers he still can't patch into the EBA. He expected it, so it hadn't been a surprise, just a confirmation.]

[The Agent sits down on the bridge connecting the rest of Mac Anu to the Chaos Gate, letting his legs dangle of the edge. Spin taps his ear... and taps his star headphones instead. He smiles brightly and listens, just listens to music flowing into his ears, through him, much needed energy to the struggling Agent.]

I've missed you so much...

[For all of his mistakes and uncertainty Spin has had since arriving, the return of his headphones makes him feel that much stronger. As long as he has his music, everything will be okay; he can keep going, and let the music tell him what to do.]

[For all the complaining he had done about his Macabre Dancer outfit... Spin is still wearing it, only with the additional star headphones and a microphone hanging from his belt. Sadly there is no Chim Chim following him, and the blue strips of fabric tied to his headphones are just to look cool. 8|b His suit would make him stand out too much, and he doesn't want to risk ruining it when he fights. So for the most part, in inventory it stays along with his badge.]

!action post, (.hack//g.u.) silabus, (code geass) kururugi suzaku, (elite beat agents) agent spin

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