Thank you,
Doctor Chase, for your fast response and concern for the public welfare. The City General and the clinics are doing their best to attend to those who have fallen ill. It would seem the source of contagion was efficiently dealt with yesterday and hasn't resurrected after midnight, this will be reduce the hazard of a large outbreak occurring.
Regardless of the good news to celebrate, if you feel sick, call a doctor or have somebody take you to see one immediately. A snow fall as begun and--I'm afraid that is the patterns of last year repeats itself-we'll have a storm tomorrow, making our pedestrian circulation difficult. I beg you to take this in consideration and don't let your health aggravate any further.
Mellony, dear, 2 g daily of streptomycin for fourteen days. While Chrono, doxycycline until your organism heals. Usually would be ten days for a normal human being, but I won't venture a guess about the strain that could affect you.
What are you afraid of? Of me or of her?