† 120

Jan 16, 2009 00:54

What is so wrong about asking nicely to be lent some sugar from the people we are at odds at? Reflect for a moment, I plead you, this could be a step forward open dialogue between two sides in conflict. If we can borrow sugar from our enemy, then perhaps not everything is lost for a truce. That is what I wish to believe with all my heart. Seize this chance and see it as a challenge of yourselves as individuals. Ask this simple question those who do have enemies to borrow from: is it that difficult to borrow sugar? Is that how you wish to carry out your actions with your neighbors, truthfully?

Ah. I have to thank the Major for lending me sugar.


Tell me Cirucci didn’t hurt you, dear.


You have been very quiet. I know your reasons. I wish you would leave Chrono and his people be and focus in your plans without including them.

[Her second relived childhood was slowly becoming a memory, Lilith was a methodical person who strived forward the present and the future outcomes. The past was a distant, beautiful memory that filled her with nostalgia. She couldn’t return to the days they were whole: those were lost ages before strife struck their existences.

Lilith saw the flowers of her garden wilting and didn’t try to stop the process with the miracles of better fertilizer or gardening. It was a cycle. To bloom and to wilt in time. Ourselves as well.

The curses had relived her past and displayed her immediate future. She knew her destination; it was a self-picked fate that had never made her falter. Except… lately, she wondered how would be living in the City a little longer. The City that encompassed her true dream of co-existence in flesh; that was too good to be truth and yet it was real.

She picked a winter rose and dropped it to the snow, ashamed by her weakness. She was the Naia Sancta and lives depended on her sacrifice. Abel needed it most than anything. He needed to lose her to understand how deeply he loved this world. The conflicts would stop at last. Her eyes wandered at the Chess Board where Aion and she had had an unfinished matched until they were disturbed by Jenai. He hadn’t finished her move, she hadn’t known if he was willing to sacrifice his Queen to get hers. She tugged her lip in lukewarm amusement, strolling to pick the Black King and moving to Check Mate the White one. She pushed both pieces down.]

A king who checks itself to check its rival. That’s the only way to save the remaining pieces in the board.

joshua, queen abel, abel = love, the pieces are more important, king checks itself, check mate

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