(no subject)

Nov 10, 2005 12:05


I'm supposed to get my car back in a couple of hours. I won't get my hopes up though; I'm waiting by the phone for the guy at the body shop to call and give me just one more excuse as to why it can't be done today.

All this nice weather is just a tease. Any day now I'll wake up to find a snowy fucking wonderland outside. Snow always puts me in a "Christmasy" mood, up until Christmas. After that it's just white hell.

My mom says that I only use her for her internet. How true. I don't have the internet or cable at my house. It's like living in a cave. I'm not so upset about the cable since I never watch tv anyways, I could always be doing something better than watching tv. I'm an internet junkie though, and I'll use anybody to get to my beloved internet.

Speaking of my mom, I need to go kick her off the treadmill now. Yeah, I use her for that, too.
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