[ COMPLETE ] Baiken and Ky - Challengers

Jun 03, 2007 17:16

When; After Baiken arrives in Nhode
Rating; PG-13 (violence)
Characters; Baiken [blindedsword] & Ky Kiske [holyknightky]
Summary; After tracking Baiken, Ky realizes he has to get to her before she escapes again and harms herself further.

He'd been following her on the network, as closely as he could have without having her notice it. For once he was actually grateful for the availability of blacktech, and as much as he didn't trust it, he had to admit that there were some parts of it (which they used on a minor scale already in communicating with the Zeppians) that were more than useful. They'd helped in locating rogue gears and alerting the force, and now they were aiding them in keeping track of the Japanese that had managed to escape the colony.

So when he'd managed to get in touch with Baiken, he'd tried to trace that Anji Mito as well, but chances were that the other man hadn't been able to get his hands on these communicators. Well no matter. As long as he had the Zessen, Ky would still be able to find him, no matter what world he went into.

He hoped, anyway.

Baiken's trail now leading to this central location, Ky told his men to stay put. He needed to talk to her, and if all went well, he wouldn't have to bring her back to the Colony. But what he'd learned... she had to know, because he didn't want this to become a risk to their already risk-ridden world.

Keeping himself concealed in one of chambers close to the central transporter, he waited...

Baiken looked around carefully as she stepped off the transporter pad into Nhode. She would prefer not to be seen but if it was unavoidable, she would fight for her freedom. The coast seemed clear enough as she made her way quietly towards the next visible transporter. She smirked. This was too easy. If he was going to fight her, and he wouldn't even show his face, then what good was the threat at all?

After all, she needed a healer right now, not a fight. There was healer girl around here somewhere, she remembered. She had offered her assistance to anyone who might need it. Baiken needed it, and as she looked around furtively, she decided that the best course of action to take, with Ky nowhere in sight, would be to find somewhere to hide out and then try to find the girl.

As soon as the tracker lit up, Ky was alert and ready. Moving out of his hiding place, Ky stepped out so that he was standing between her path towards the other transporter and herself. He knew well enough that she wasn't going to back away and certainly wasn't like Anji, who would have bolted at the sight of him with another one of his foolhardy butterfly tricks.

He didn't say anything, and surprisingly, he didn't have Furaiken drawn as he normally would have when he was to apprehend a criminal. He merely looked at her, saying what he had to without saying anything at that point. However, he then moved his hands to a side, and looked directly into her face.

"Right on time."

Baiken glared at him. There were a lot of things she could have said, but she settled on "Out of my way!"

She began to draw her sword, a difficult process with one arm, but she had it memorized.

"I won't let you take me," she growled, readying for anything he might try. Just because he was unarmed didn't mean that he wouldn't try anything. She predicted that he had backup, possibly ready to fire on her. Still, she was confident in her abilities. She wasn't about to go down without a fight, especially after she had put forth the effort to escape in the first place. With all of the police activity, making it to the transporter in the colony alone had taken all of her meager stealth skills. She was beginning to wish that she had concentrated on developing them, but it wasn't her way. She faced her problems head on.

She would wait for him to make the first move. She didn't know what he had waiting for her, and she fought every instinct in her that told her to just rip him apart.

He didn't move, however, to give her right of way or to attack. However, he did raise his hands, bringing them before himself in a 'please, wait' gesture. As it was obvious from the way he was, there was no one around and he didn't want to fight her. Though if he would have to restrain her, he'd do it in no other way than the one she was familiar with

"Baiken-san..." he began to speak, his usage of the honorific a habit he'd developed whenever entering the colony, "I don't wish to fight you. But I cannot let you pass either." he looked directly at her now, they had been through a similar situation once before, and he knew when she got angry, there was no stopping or explaining anything to her.

But he would try, no matter what. He wasn't an officer for nothing!

"Well then, how do you plan to stop me?!" she spat, incensed but not surprised that he would again attempt to stop her from reaching one of the only two things she wanted.

She felt the warm slither of blood seeping further through her clothes. How tense she was must have broken the frail scabbing, she realized. She would have to finish this, and quickly, if she wanted to get past. Otherwise, she would likely pass out from the blood loss. She glared at the wound momentarily, cursing it for betraying her, before refocusing her attention to Ky.

It was unwise, but she had no choice. She charged him.

Ky's eyes narrowed. This wasn't looking good at all, and he didn't know how else to put things without Baiken going berserk on him. One glance over her form though, made him realize one thing-- she was more injured than she was letting on and she needed attention, fast. But making no show of having seen it, he focused back on her--

Right on time too, because before he knew it, she was coming for him!

Gritting his teeth, his hand went right for the Furaiken, swinging out his blade, and as she came for him, he swung out the blade to meet with hers in a loud clash, parrying her for a while and stancing back.

"Baiken-san, wait!! I'm not here to fight!!" If she would only let him talk!

Baiken attempted to maneuver out of range and stomped hard, bringing up a tatami to give herself a little more room to work. Direct offensive wasn't something she was good at; she needed him to attack so that she could fight properly.

"Then move out of my way!" she yelled, preparing to attack again. If he wasn't going to fight her, she was going to make him. She needed him gone, and she needed him gone right now. She could feel that the cut was not only open again, but that it had deepened slightly. Perhaps Keiichi had been right -- she should have done something with it when she had the chance.

Leaping back, Ky stood at ready, waiting for her to make her move. This isn't good... if she keeps continuing this way, she'll rip open her wound. She probably had, already. The way the blood had begun to seep into her clothing, and the way she was strugglng to move (though the fact that she was able to in her state was truly a feat of it's own), he was beginning to get worried. He had to stop her, somehow!

"I can't do that! Please stop and just listen! I'm not here to arrest you!"

She wasn't going to hold off, was she? He was worried- he might have to use force on her, something he didn't want to do. Stancing with Furaiken again, he prepared to stroke if she launched at him again. "Baiken-san, please don't make me use force!"

Baiken noticed that she had started to breathe more heavily. It was taking a lot of effort to attack, and she could feel herself shaking.

She briefly wondered if she had enough energy for one of her more powerful attacks. As soon as the idea came to her, though, she realized that it was probably the only way that she could win.

She drew her sword quickly, and without hesitation charged Ky, fully intent on killing him.

"This is over!" she yelled. "GARYOTENSEI!!"

Right there... Ky's gaze flickered for a moment, realizing how much energy she was putting into her attack-- was that an Instant Kill?! Had he not been watching every move of hers with caution, he knew he would have been struck pretty badly with her attack-- but not today. No matter how merciful he -was- on female opponents, he couldn't risk her escaping. So just as she began to strike down on him, Ky focused his own energy-- he could tell hers wasn't as focused and the ki around her was wavering as it was. Gritting his teeth, he channeled his strength and raced forward, parrying her strike just as it came down and with his own attack readied, he was suddenly surrounded by a surge of electrical currents, charging from the Furaiken as he called upon the powers that he had sole control over, by weilding his weapon.

The words were summoned, and then yelled, clearly-- and the spell burst forth as he called the power of lightning. "SACRED EDGE!!"

Do or die, heaven or hell-- in her state, he'd be very surprised if Baiken stood after this.

As Baiken recovered, barely, from her attack being blocked, her eyes widened. Her energy had left her. There was no way she was getting out of the way of that, she realized, as she saw the electrical spearhead forming.

She dove, hitting the ground hard and she felt her wound tear further. Pain ripped through her senses and she bit her lip to keep from screaming. She felt the attack singe her back and as it passed, she looked up at Ky with angry eyes before her head hit the ground.

"Oh shit" was the last thing she coherently thought before blacking out.

As the attack struck, Ky backstepped and prepared himself just in case Baiken had anything left, but as he saw her fall, he knew he had won. He didn't waste any time, however, sheathing his sword and quickly racing towards her, kneeling beside her. Immediately he felt himself fill with guilt over what had just happened, and seeing her condition was making it worse.

"Baiken-san..." he whispered, and locating his communicator, he quickly summoned Bernard. If he summoned his men, and she woke up, he knew she would fight again. Then, slipping his hand under her blade, he sheathed it, and then slid one hand under her knees and another behind her head. She needed help, and fast. Carefully standing as he carried her, her injuries bleeding and staining his uniform, he picked her up and stood.

"Forgive me." he whispered to her, before walking towards the transporter that would take him home. With a small sigh, he shook his head. This just wasn't his day, was it..?

If this is a test, it's not a very amusing one... He ended up thinking. And one look at the woman in his arms was all it took to reconfirm that.

God really had a strange sense of humor.
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