"Mas Selamat Kastari, the suspected leader of the Jemaah Islamiah militant group, had used an improvised flotation device to escape from the north shore of Singapore to Johor Baharu."
Somehow the phrase improvised floatation device sounds difficult to conjure. maybe he used two jerry cans koped from sleeping MSK sentries. or 1.5L bottles that singaporeans leave behind at parks etc.
Regardless, i wonder how many man-hours were actually wasted on the notion that he was 'still in Singapore'. Or maybe that was a ruse by the MHA to lull him into complacency and nab him in JB while his guard is down.
Whatever it is, I'm just glad the MSK saga is over. and that he NEVER escapes again. if he does... hurhur.
Got my Sotongfest 1 and 2 invitations from the ClubSG pres hahah. wonder who else is headed to penn.. hmmmm.