Super Junior; Kyuteuk; The Not-So-Adverse Effects of Alcohol

Oct 19, 2008 20:25

Title: The Not-So-Adverse Effects of Alcohol
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: KyuTeuk
Word Count: 1,855
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Eeteuk gets drunk. Kyuhyun seduces him. Wait...can he do that? (YES. YES HE CAN.)
A/N: So this started out Big Bang smut between Seungri and G-Dragon, and then i remembered just how much i like posting in miracle______ so i decided to convert it into my new kryptonite, Kyuteuk. I swear, this pairing will be the death of me. THERE NEEDS TO BE MORE KYUTEUK IN THE WORLD. my original OTP's remain the same, because, well, im loyal to them (ridiculous, i know) but i love this pairing. UGH. i cant believe i wrote this. Kill me now. (If you want the Big Bang smut too, just ask and i'll link you.)

Eeteuk is drunk.

This generally doesn’t happen, but the other members were rather persuasive that night, and he rather felt he deserved a break anyway, and Heechul kept pushing cans into his hands and he couldn’t really say no, and…well, he’s drunk, and that’s the point.

It isn’t until Kyuhyun is crawling up his chest, hand sliding up the inside of his thigh a little too close for comfort, twisted smirk spreading across his face, startling close to his, does he realize what’s happening.

He’s being seduced.

By the magnae.

Eeteuk thinks this really shouldn’t be happening, because Kyuhyun shouldn’t be able to look so…so…and he really should be able to move so…so…. Eeteuk blames his lack of vocabulary on the alcohol (Kyuhyun later blames it on his brain.)

“Hey, hyung…” Kyuhyun hisses, oh so seductively, voice low and warm and deep and only now does every part of Eeteuk’s body come to attention, reacting to his current situation. Kyuhyun’s smile only widens, and his hand only inches higher.


“Do you know how hot you look right now?”

Eeteuk thinks this is kind of a strange statement, given his disheveled clothes, his mussed up hair, and his ungraceful sprawl against the wall. He’s sure he’s had better days. He raises an eyebrow at Kyuhyun, one eyelid fluttering drunkenly.

“Well…” says Kyuhyun, “actually, you look like shit. But for some reason, it still…” He trails off, but Eeteuk doesn’t need to hear the rest of his sentence because it’s now pressing against his thigh. He gulps as Kyuhyun slips in between his parted legs and moves to straddle him. He smirks again, and this time Eeteuk sees a promise behind his hazy, lust-and-alcohol-clouded eyes. He shivers.

Eeteuk gasps as Kyuhyun hovers over him, slim body radiating heat, watching as nimble fingers play at his zipper teasingly. His hips jerk up a little, uncontrollably, and Eeteuk curses his lack of control over his own body. He pants a little, breathing becoming shallow as Kyuhyun lowers his lips to Eeteuk’s pulse and begins to suck, tongue swiping over the skin, teeth nipping, lightly at first, and then hard, determined to leave a mark. He does. Multiple times. Eeteuk can’t quite blame himself for his actions after that.

Eeteuk’s hands come up to grasp Kyuhyun’s hips, fingers bruising in his unbridled, uninhibited want from the alcohol. Kyuhyun smiles against the soft, sensitive, bruised skin of his leader’s neck, and he lowers his weight onto his hips. His hands come up from the zipper of Eeteuk’s jeans to slide up his chest, pressing on his stomanch and higher as they go, bunching his shirt up around his arms and he gasps audibly, head falling back against the wall. Eeteuk arches his back, trying to get closer to Kyuhyun, needing more. He pushes his hips up against him, desperately seeking friction. Kyuhyun complies, rolling his hips into the older’s, whose moans are immediately devoured by Kyuhyun’s skilled lips, tongue skirting over his parted lips, swiping the bottom once, twice before slipping inside.

Eeteuk’s hands come up to twist in Kyuhyun’s already mussed up locks, tugging him closer, positioning them so that Kyuhyun kneels between his leader’s parted legs. Eeteuk kind of feels like a slut, the way he opens to Kyuhyun’s every silent command, the way he wants this so bad, has wanted it for so long, even before now, and he feels so wrong; Kyuhyun is the magnae, and look at what Eeteuk’s doing to him, and what Kyuhyun is doing to him. Eeteuk’s lust pushes all his rational thoughts away, however, and he throws caution and responsibility and everything he’s supposed to do out the window as he kisses Kyuhyun hard.

Kyuhyun lets his hovering body press against Eeteuk and he’s rewarded with a wanton moan from the older boy. He presses his erection against Eeteuk’s thigh, chest heaving with restraint, having been intent on teasing his leader until the older can’t handle it any more. And he can’t. Eeteuk loses himself, abandoning the last shred of his sanity and restraint, and he wraps his legs around his Kyuhyun’s hips, lifting himself to press his body flush against the younger’s. Kyuhyun’s surprised as he tastes blood; its his own as Eeteuk bites down on his lip and groans in a mixture of want and pain from being denied proper attention.

The sudden contact is too much for Kyuhyun. He takes his hands from where they tease a nipple and he presses one hand to Eeteuk’s lower stomach, forcing him back down, the older emitting a whine of displeasure. Kyuhyun quickly silences his plea as his other hand drags down the zipper of his jeans and pushes them down swiftly. Eeteuk quickly shakes out of them, with help from Kyuhyun, and his entire body arches, mouth falling open with a loud moan as a hand wraps deftly around his cock and begins to jerk up and down roughly. Kyuhyun watches his hyung’s face flush and contort in pleasure, reveling in the mess he’s turning him into, the power he holds over him. He knows how bad Eeteuk wanted this, and it only took a few drinks for him to be able to get his hyung half-naked and moaning beneath him. Too easy. Kyuhyun demands a sign of Eeteuk’s helpless abandon, and he twists his wrist just so, and Eeteuk lets out a high, breathy moan that has Kyuhyun’s skin tingling, hairs on end.

Eeteuk is still aware of his surroundings through the haze of pleasure, and Kyuhyun sucks in a breath as he feels a pair of hands make quick work of his own jeans, the restricting fabric torn of in seconds. Eeteuk reaches up a hand and pushes Kyuhyun away slightly, and the younger looks at him, confusion apparent in his features as he moves back, his hand slowing, unsure as to what’s going on. Eeteuk locks eyes with him, his dark brown orbs watching him as he takes Kyuhyun’s free hand in his own, slowly lifting it to his lips and sucking in the first two fingers agonizingly slow, tantalizingly, eyes never leaving the other’s face. Kyuhyun’s eyes fall shut and his head rolls back as he lets out a loud moan, his cock twitching in response to Eeteuk’s unexpected ministrations. His hand stills and Eeteuk pushes into it again, reminding him to keep going, and he does.

He opens his eyes and looks into Eeteuk’s again, burning, still watching him intently, dark with lust, and he lets a stunned Kyuhyun’s fingers slip limply from his swollen, shining lips. Kyuhyun stares at him. He guides the younger’s hand downward with his own, and Kyuhyun smirks, more than happy to oblige to the unspoken request, pushing both his fingers inside of Eeteuk swiftly. The older hisses and arches up against him again, the fingers starting to pump inside him painful but causing little tremors of pleasure to travel up his skin, his mouth falling open in with a groan.

He bucks against Kyuhyun’s hand and the younger bends down, fitting his mouth around a pink nipple, tongue flicking and licking and teasing. Eeteuk writhes beneath him as he inserts another finger, both the hand between his legs and the hand around his cock increasing their speed, and Kyuhyun’s not sure he can hold back much longer, not with the mewls escaping his hyung’s parted, trembling lips. Kyuhyun lifts his head, his dark eyes skimming over Eeteuk’s expression from behind the locks of black hair plastered to his pale face. Kyuhyun watches the other squirming in pleasure. He watches as beads of sweat streak down his face, trailing hot paths down his neck and chest. He watches his flushed skin tremble beneath him. He watches as he bites down on his swollen lip, the pink tip of a tongue darting out to soothe the nips he inflicts on himself in abandon. Eeteuk finally breaks his control with one particularly desperate whine, and Kyuhyun snaps, pulling his hand away and canting Eeteuk’s hips, the other hand on his hip grasping hard enough to bruise.

Eeteuk’s back lurches off the corner where wall meets floor and arches gracefully as Kyuhyun thrusts into him roughly, face buried in the crook of his hyung’s neck. Kyuhyun waits, biting the flushed skin under him to try to control himself, but Eeteuk pushes his hips down against him, telling him to move, to give him more, and Kyuhyun sets the pace fast, pounding into the older desperately. His fingers wrap again around the other’s cock, thumb pressing against the slit. Eeteuk tries desperately to suck in air but Kyuhyun forces it out again through another loud moan, his thumb swirling pre-come around the tip of Eeteuk’s cock as he thrusts quickly in and out.

“K-K-Kyuhyun…” Eeteuk stammers weakly, bucking against Kyuhyun needily, and the younger moves faster, harder, cock plunging deeper into the shaking boy beneath him.

Eeteuk’s alcohol-laced blood rushes through his veins, staining his cheeks a dark, patchy red. Both boys are close, their breathing becoming harsh pants and gasps and catching in their throats, sweat-drenched chests heaving against each other’s as their bodies move in tandem. Kyuhyun thrusts once, twice, his hand jerking in time, before he explodes inside Eeteuk, the muscles under the skin on his back rippling and his shoulders shaking as he continues to ride out his orgasm with thrusts and rolls of his hips. Eeteuk feels the bursts and spasms shake his body and he comes, hips jerking, with a long, loud moan of Kyuhyun’s name, spilling himself hotly over the other’s hand.

Kyuhyun rocks through Eeteuk’s release before his arms give out and he collapses on top of the gasping, trembling leader. Their slick skin shivers and jumps against each other’s and they lay there, catching their breath. After a few moments, Kyuhyun pushes himself off Eeteuk and settles to the side of him, one arm slung across his own chest in exhaustion.

He closes his eyes wearily, body still shaking slightly from the exertion of fucking his hyung senseless. He sits up again, smiling a little cheekily as he leans over Eeteuk who has his eyes closed as well. Eeteuk opens them and his lips twitch in a soft smile. Kyuhyun’s eyes rove over his hyung’s face and he leans down and presses a light kiss to Eeteuk’s lips, fingers grazing his damp jaw, and before he can pull away a hand comes up and threads through his locks, holding the base of his neck so Eeteuk can lengthen the kiss, making it long and deep.

When they pull apart, Eeteuk looks into his eyes before shifting them to the ceiling and pressing the base of his palms over them, firmly.

“You’re the fucking magne.”

Kyuhyun smirks, scoffing at him. “Please. It doesn’t matter; I’m exactly innocent, am I? I’m not Ryeowook.”

Eeteuk just groans and presses harder. He’s never drinking again. He can’t afford to keep molesting his magnae in the living room at 3 in the morning.

(Although, after the next few times, he says fuck it, because Kyuhyun doesn’t seem to mind anyway.)

Started/Finished: 10.18.08

And I forgot to include this in the haeday fic, Birthday Presents, it was my contribution to the tentacle!rape cult thing. its a drabble i wrote in like 15 minutes and its just for kicks and giggles. Sorry hae for the things i do to you!

Super Junior / Tentacle Adventures / Donghae / 314 Words / PG-13 :

“Huh.” said Donghae.

“Huh.” echoed Hangeng.

“Well. “ followed Zhou Mi.

A short silence followed.

“…So you only have one?” Hangeng questioned, peering curiously at the squiggling, pulsing mass traveling slowly down Donghae’s leg, it’s outline visible, the actual flesh not-so-effectively covered by his pants.

“I guess,” Donghae shrugged, as he too peered at his crotch along with Zhou Mi and Henry. “Do all people in China grow tentacles?” he asked, lifting his head to look around at Zhou Mi and Hangeng’s powerful, writhing semi-limbs and Henry’s tiny ones, currently waving happily in the air.

Hangeng thought for a minute before answering. “Well…I’m not sure…but I think you only have one because you’re not actually Chinese, you’re still technically Korean.” He paused. “I wonder if this will happen to Siwon, too…” he trailed off thoughtfully.

“Huh.” Donghae said again.

“So….if that’s supposed to be your…you know,” Henry asked, “What does it do now?”

“Does it still get hard?” asked an excited Zhou Mi curiously.

“Donghae unzipped his pants. “I dunno. Poke it,” he said to Henry.

Henry reached forward a tentacle before it was slapped away by one of Hankyung’s. “Don’t touch that,” he said, shooting a reprimanding look at Donghae. Henry’s tentacle withdrew from the front of Donghae’s zipper and returned to its carefree wriggling.

Zhou Mi suddenly thought of something, and Donghae didn’t really like the grin on his face. It seemed way to happy for the present situation.

“Donghae...what if you’re just special? What if you become the only person in Korea to have a tentacle-cock?” he asked, voice slightly breathless with humor.

Suddenly a strangled cry echoed from down the hall in the direction of the bathroom. It sounded remarkably like a very terrified Siwon.

Hankyung looked at Donghae grimly. “Lucky for you, I don’t think that will be the case.”

They looked at one another. Zhou Mi grinned gleefully.

Started/Finished: 8.29.08

rating: pg-13, pairing: kyuteuk, genre: crack, fic, genre: humor, rating: nc-17, character: donghae, genre: smut, character: eeteuk, character: kyuhyun, fandom: super junior

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