Super Junior; KiHae; Birthday Presents

Oct 15, 2008 20:02

Title: Birthday Presents
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: KiHae
Word Count: 1,478
Rating: R
Summary: Kibum throws Donghae a birthday party, despite the Donghae Birthday Curse horror stories.
Genre: Humor, Fluff, Smut
A/N: So i was starting to write a Halloween fic for Donghae's birthday filled with lots of kinky smut buuuut that didnt work out so well so im going to keep playing with it, hopefully to post later. This is Donghae's birthday fic, because I LOVE MY FISHY SO MUCH ITS KIND OF UNHEALTHY. but thats okay ♥. It's a little random, slightly crack, but *shrugs* its what i wrote. Edited maybe...twice? I hope i didnt miss anything.
*ps: the song You're My Melody is kind of ruling my life right now. schm0use's too.


Donghae has never really had a decent birthday party.

The other members don’t believe him, given what Heechul calls the “almost sickening” amount of love between him and his parents, but he insists. Like that one time, when he was twelve and his dad tried to set up a surprise party for him, but when everyone yelled and jumped out from behind the couch Donghae had jumped, lost his balance, landed on the table, and sat in his cake. And then there was that other time, when he was seven and they got him a puppy, but the minute they brought it out it ran over and peed on his leg, got lost in the commotion of trying to calm a crying seven year old, and ran out the door. They looked for a week before giving up. Then there was that one time where they hired a clown without realizing that Donghae was terrified of them, leading to yet another crashed party and this time a crying nine year old. They tried simpler parties after all these disasters, taking him and some friends out for dinner when he was fifteen, but even that went awry when everyone woke up the next day sick with food poisoning. And then there was also that other time-but that one is a little graphic.

Eventually, everyone gave up on trying to do something special for Donghae’s birthday, with much support from the birthday boy himself, because he was starting to get jumpy whenever his birthday came around and, well, everyone just agreed it would be for the best.


October 9; 1:37 p.m.
“Hey, what do you think we should do for Donghae’s birthday?” Kibum asks, poking Heechul in the shoulder one afternoon while the others were out of the dorm.

Heechul turns his head and stares at him, mouth open, before tossing his head back and letting out a bark of laughter. “We can’t do anything for his birthday,” he says, incredulously. “Havent you heard the stories?”

Kibum snorts. “Please, hyung, that’s a load of bull. He’s probably just being humble.”

Heechul shakes the paper he’s reading and pushes the glasses he wears when he wants to look sophisticated back up his nose. “Well, I don’t quite believe the stories myself, but we cant do anything for his birthday. He’s never let us. It’s not like we haven’t wanted to, but…we’ve tried, and he’s always caught us. “ Heechul shrugs. “He just wont let us.”

Kibum makes another noise in the back of his throat. “Nonsense. Donghae deserves something, anything. I’ll figure something out.”

Heechul just raises his eyebrows at the paper and doesn’t reply.


October 10; 4:23 p.m.
“Donghae!” Kibum says happily, leaning over Donghae’s chair. Donghae looks up at him. “What’s your favorite flavor cake?”

Donghae’s eyes grow wide before they narrow suspiciously. “…Why?” he asks.

“No reason.”

“I don’t like cake.” Donghae looks away, signaling the end of the conversation.

Kibum sighs.


October 12, 2008; 3:15 p.m.
“Kibum, what’s this?” Donghae asks, carrying what appears to very obviously be a helium tank.

Kibum rasises his eyes from his book, the picture of innocence. “Huh.”

Donghae puts his hand on his hip, holding out the tank expectantly and raising his eyebrows.

“I have no idea.”

“Huh. I’ll just toss it in the trash then.”

Kibum’s heart sinks as he hears the unmistakable thud of the tank being thrown in the garbage. He grumbles to himself. This is more difficult than he expected.


October 15; 5:27 p.m.
Donghae sighs. He really doesn’t know why Kibum was trying to give him a party. Hasn’t he heard all the stories? Donghae doesn’t think any more traumatic birthdays would be beneficial for him, let alone the other members. He has a feeling if they ever did manage to throw him a party, something or someone would have caught on fire. Probably the kitchen. Or Yesung.

Donghae is satisfied, though, that it looks like he had finally given up. It’s nearing the end of his birthday and no one has been seriously maimed yet. It looks like a party had been successfully thwarted. He’s glad, yes, glad that he doesn’t have to suffer another birthday disaster, but at the same time he’s a little bit…sad. Donghae loves birthdays. He loves celebrating them with the members, loves planning outrageous things and watching the excitement that always comes with a party. He wishes he could have that. He wishes that for one day out of the year, his birthday wasn’t a complete and utter failure.

Donghae heaves a sigh as he walks up to the front door with Shindong, having avoided most of the others during the earlier parts of the day in the hope of protecting them from the mayhem that tends to befall others on this bleak day. He shoves his key into the lock of the apartment door, the sound grating in the empty hallway. He turns the knob and pushes open the door, stepping inside wearily.

Suddenly Eunhyuk barrels into him, arms thrown around his waist, and he topples over and into the back of the sofa, where the pair sways a bit before losing their balance and flipping over the side, announcing their landing with a muffled oof. Donghae pulles his torso back over the couch, eyes wide at the rest of the band members all gathered in the kitchen around all of his favorite foods displayed beautifully on the table. Eunhyuk pulls himself up beside him.

“HAPPY-“ Eunhyuk starts to shout, but Eeteuk quiets him with a frantic shush. He looks sheepish. “Oh. Right.”

“W-What’s…all this?” Donghae asks, stunned.

“It’s a…gathering.” Kangin announces. He furrows his brows and screws up his face in what looks like great concentration. “It’s for…no…particular reason…and is most definitely not a P-A-R-T-Y.” He spells the last word rather hushed, cupping his hand around his mouth to try to prevent the sound reaching some unknown force.

Heechul rolls his eyes. “Eloquently said, dipshit.” Kangin hits him.

“Is…is this for…me?” Donghae asks incredulously. A few around the table smile and nod warmly. “But…what…about…someone could die,” he stutters dramatically.

“Kibum didn’t care,” Kyuhyun says, shrugging slightly and smiling.

“We can afford to lose Kangin,” Kibum explains from where he calmly leans against the wall, arms folded. Kangin hits him too.

“I-“ Donghae begins, and the other members look at him, waiting for him to say something, but he can’t. All he can do is fix his eyes on the ceiling and try to ignore the hot prickling starting to creep up his throat. He blinks a few times.

“Come and eat, Hae,” Eeteuk offers warmly after a minute. Donghae swallows and nods, standing up with Eunhyuk.

“I bought fish crackers, the ones you like! And Hankyung was testing out some more cooking skills and-“ Eunhyuk chatters at his side as they make their way over to the table. Donghae listens, but he keeps his eyes on Kibum. Kibum smiles at him and winks.

Donghae’s eyes tell him this is the best present ever.


“Y-You already gave me a present…”

Kibum looks up from where he’s kneeling in front of Donghae, dark eyes smoldering, smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. “That was more of a group present,” he says, before his voice drops and becomes low and husky. “This one is from me.”

Donghae remembers going to birthday parties as a kid, remembers how the parents always made their kid read the names aloud, letting everyone know who the present was from. This is a little different, Donghae’s chants of Kibum Kibum Kibum echoing loudly around his room as he thrusts into Kibum’s hot, wet mouth, tight around his cock. Kibum coaxes a moan out from between Donghae’s clenched teeth, running his tongue up the underside of his hyung’s cock, pressing it firmly to the thick vein. Kibum’s lips constrict around him as he smiles, Donghae’s hands twisting painfully in his black hair. Donghae grinds out a groan as Kibum’s tongue pushes against his slit, lapping up the precome leaking from his hard length. Donghae’s hips buck up, Kibum’s nails digging into his thighs and his throat humming around him as he comes hard and fast into Kibum’s expert mouth with a final cry of his name.

Donghae relaxes his grip on Kibum’s locks and the younger boy slides up his torso, grinning. Donghae wraps his arms around him and kisses him, long and deep, tasting himself on his lips, smiling exhaustedly against them.

Suddenly, a pounding thuds through the wall from the other side, paired with Heechul’s shrieking voice. “YES. WE GET IT. HAPPY. BIRTHDAY. DONGHAE. KIBUM, IF YOU DON’T STOP GIVING HIM PRESENTS I’LL COME OVER THERE AND GIVE YOU ONE OF MY OWN, NAMELY, MY FIST UP YOUR ASS!”

Kibum couldn’t help bursting into laughter.


Started: 10.14.08
Finished: 10.15.08

rating: r, fic, genre: fluff, genre: humor, pairing: kihae, character: donghae, genre: smut, character: kibum, fandom: super junior

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