Super Junior; Hanchul; First Impressions

Oct 13, 2008 16:46

Title: First Impressions
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: HanChul (slight!implied!SiChul
Word Count: 1,212
Rating: PG (slight!language)
Summary: Hankyung meets Heechul. He's kind of sort of scarred for life.
Genre: Fluff(?), Humor(?)
A/N: Uhh right okay so i wrote this on the plane. I was writing another thing like it, where its Hankyung meeting ALL the members, but it wasnt quite working so i revised it. aaaand now its just Heechul scarring Hankyung for life with his bizzare bitchiness. It's hasnt been edited like 8 fucking times like my other fics, because i havent posted something in over a week and i just really feel like it. More to come, since finals are over and i have a pile of fics to do. Next Fic: Kihae, for Donghae's bday! hoorah! ♥ ...i should bake him a cake....

The first time Hankyung met Heechul, he was stunned. Awed. Blown away. He didn’t know what, all he knew was that he couldn’t quite breathe. Here he was, sitting on the dance room floor, meeting all the members of what was going to be called Super Junior, himself being one of them. Here he was, sitting on the dance room floor, ruffled from the long airplane ride, nervous and unsure and Chinese, meeting someone so beautiful. Even as a teenager, Heechul surpassed the beauty of everyone he had ever met. He was indescribable. His dark eyes glittered across the room as he laughed with the kid in the black wife beater. His black hair fell to just above his shoulders, shiny, silky, and all Hankyung wanted to do was reach out a hand and stroke it. His smile was wide, laugh loud, face pale but bright with something Hankyung just couldn’t place.

Here he was, sitting on the dance room floor, mouth slightly open, blatantly staring at him. And as Heechul talked, his eyes slid to the side and saw him. Hankyung felt like he was going to pee his pants.

Heechul’s smile widened just a bit, if that would be possible, and while not taking his eyes off Hankyung, whispered something to the boy in the wife beater, who smirked and shook his head slightly. Heechul winked at the boy before turning his attention back on Hankyung.


Hankyung tried to suck in air as Heechul began to saunter over to him, hips swaying, step confident. Hankyung could only stare at the jut of his hips, his long legs, his slim frame and the way it moved so…so…guh. Heechul paused in front of him, grinning at him from above, and Hankyung slowly raised his eyes to his face and gulped, because there was something in the look he was giving him he didn’t like. Heechul’s eyes glittered mischievously as he held out a long, thin, pale hand. Hankyung took it.

“Hey. I’m Heechul.”

Even his voice was beautiful. Heechul brought his lips together, still smiling, and cocked his head to the side a little, regarding Hankyung curiously, a shadow of laughter across his face. Hankyung still stared at him blankly.

“I’m Heechul, but people call me Rella. You know, like Cinderella?”

Hankyung stared at him some more.

“…You know why they call me Cinderella?”

Hankyung opened his mouth to reply, but he closed it again instead and slowly shook his head. Heechul bent towards him, back curving gracefully, black hair falling in a curtain around his neck, and brought his lips right beside Hankyung’s ear. Hankyung could hear his own heart pounding in his ears and shivered, even though Heechul hadn’t even touched him at all. A small, warm breath tickled his skin, making the small hairs stand on end.

“’Cause I’m the fucking princess, bitch.”

Heechul lingered, smiling against Hankyung’s neck still without quite touching him, before he straightened up, a smirk twisting his lips, and surveyed Hankyung’s face quickly before turning and skipping away happily, caroling something to a tall boy with dimples about how somebody should buy him some Chocopies. Hankyung gaped at him, mouth hanging open in shock. He swallowed dryly.


The second time Hankyung met Heechul, he was terrified.
This partially had to do with what happened last time he came in contact with Heechul, and partially because Heechul just generally had that effect on people who didn’t know him. They were in the dance room again, beginning training. Hankyung semi-shuffled in at the back of the pack, trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible. His skulking didn’t last long, because he looked up and found Heechul skipping towards him, and all he wanted to do was shrink into himself and kind of sort of die. Heechul reached him, colliding into him with the speed of his approach as he threw his arms around Hankyung’s neck from where he had skipped around behind him. Hankyung staggered a little, as Heechul giggled, grinning at the tall boy with dimples that was walking towards them, smiling.

“Hannie! Protect me!” he trilled loudly.

“What?” Hankyung asked, perplexed, as well as flustered with Heechul hanging onto him so close, so touchy, so…friendly. And…did he just call him Hannie?

“Siwon’s come to murder me!” Heechul screeched, dramatically throwing an arm out to point at Siwon accusingly.

“He’s….what?” Hankyung couldn’t really focus with Heechul’s chest pressed to his back like that.

Heechul didn’t seem to hear Hankyung’s confusion, or else he just ignored it. He stepped around to the side of Hankyung as Siwon reached them, but he still clung to him, arms wrapped around his shoulders tightly. Hankyung looked from one to the other, not really sure of what was going on.

“I am not coming to murder you.” Siwon said laughingly. “Well…no, you’re right, I am.”

“See?” Heechul said, turning towards Hankyung. Hankyung wondered why no one else in here seemed to mind the racket being caused by Heechul, or the casual shouts of “murder”. They seemed used to it, he supposed.

“You did hide all my shirts this morning. On the roof.”

Heechul scoffed. “Oh please, Siwon, you’re too hot for shirts. You should just burn them altogether. Actually, never mind. Just go naked completely.” Heechul yelped and jumped away from Siwon’s reach, laughing and dancing around Hankyung. “Hankyung agrees with me, don’t you Hannie?”

Hankyung started at the sound of his name. “I…er…I wha--?” he began, but Heechul gave him a look that seemed to suggest the world as he knew it was about to end. “Er…Yes.” he immediately countered. Heechul rewarded him with a dazzling smile that made him flush slightly.

Siwon’s eyes flicked to him and he smiled, shaking his head pityingly. “Welcome to the world that is Heechul,” he said, and Hankyung could hear the humor behind the flat tone.

As Heechul shrieked again and hopped around him, chased by Siwon, Hankyung felt really confused. He had a feeling, looking at Heechul, that he might feel like that a lot from now on.


Hankyung still remembered the first few times he met Heechul, the tornado of emotions and insecurities and chaos that came with those first few days. They haven’t completely gone away, but he hides them well. Sometimes, Heechul still terrifies him, whether he’s doing something appalling and probably illegal or just being the regular Heechul, who can still make Hankyung want to crawl back to China just by being himself. He’s still stunned by Heechul too, stunned that someone so beautiful likes to hang around someone like him, stunned at some of the surprisingly deep things Heechul says, stunned that he hasn’t been arrested multiple times yet. Heechul still confuses Hankyung, still keeps him on edge, still keeps him intrigued and wanting that little bit more. Heechul has some pull over Hankyung that he can’t explain, and he doesn’t really try because he doesn’t really mind. Hankyung will never forget the first time he met Heechul, it being one of the most traumatic moments of his life and it being one of the best things that’s ever happened to him, too.

By the rule of first impressions, Hankyung should have avoided Heechul at all costs.


First impressions be damned.

Started: 10/12/08
Finished: 10/13/08

fic, genre: fluff, genre: humor, pairing: hanchul, character: heechul, character: hankyung, fandom: super junior, rating: pg, genre: ?

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