
Jul 03, 2010 02:16

Title: Alcohol Is Always The Best Option [[EXCERPT]]
Fandom: Super Junior
Parings: bias♥bias♥bias
Word Count: N/A
A/N: Hullo.

Because I miss you.

And because I want to prove that I'm not all talk, and that I have written something, even if it isn't any good, and even if it's just ALL KIHAE because screw it, I love them, and you can't take them away from me, I LOVE THEM. I don't care if they don't exist, THEY EXIST IN MY PANTS HEART.

And that it's like, soft-core porno level.

I SWEAR I DON'T ALWAYS WRITE THIS. This is just an excerpt. Don't judge me.

In the back of his mind, Kibum faintly heard someone shouting about the equality rights of prison bitches and women through the closed bathroom door. This didn’t matter at all, of course, because when Donghae was drunk, Donghae was dangerous, and right now Donghae was very, very drunk, and very, very close, and very, very, impossibly dangerous.

Why was Kibum there?

…Because he’s a ninja.

Who can teleport.

…A teleporting ninja.

The hows and whys weren’t urgent, all that was urgent was the look of hunger in Donghae’s eyes. A hunger that Kibum liked. And, okay, admittedly, kind of feared.

“Donghae, how much have you had to drink?” Kibum asked warily.

“Enough,” said Donghae nonchalantly. Since when did he get so smooth? Since when was he an experienced drinker? Kibum had been away far too long, and by the looks of it, missed far too much. Because he’s an asshole.

“You’re an asshole.”

“Oh, thank you, really, because I don’t get that enough.”

In one fluid movement, Donghae crossed the room and pinned Kibum to the wall with his hips, one hand on the side of his face, the other wrapped around the neck of a dark bottle. Kibum swallowed. “You’re an asshole,” Donghae repeated, lower this time.

“So, what’re you gonna do about it?” Kibum challenged. “Are you just going to stand there and keep calling me an asshole, or do you actually have a game plan, genius?”

Man, he sounded like an asshole.

Donghae tilted the bottle up for another swig, bringing the smooth glass to his lips. In one fluid movement, without taking his eyes off Kibum’s, Donghae slid his lips over the mouth of the bottle and down, down, down over the thick glass neck until it ran out, and he brought his lips back up with a small pop. He licked his bottom lip calmly. Kibum was sure he himself wouldn’t notice if a fly flew straight into his own open mouth. Donghae leaned forward, his damp lips brushing the edge of Kibum’s earlobe, barely.

“Shut up,” Donghae breathed. There was only a faint kick of venom to it. “I have plenty of plans for your sorry ass.”

A very big part of Kibum hoped he meant that literally.


omg I'm suffocating I'm pretty sure the sleeping mom of the house I'm staying at just sharted her pants in the living room please help me.

EDIT: oh my FRIGGING GOD you guys I forgot how smoking hot Dongahe was LOOK AT HIM IN THAT TSHIRT. I really hope I get to lick him one day, nfl. N.F.L.

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please stop farting, why god why, donghae rules my life, omfg, character: donghae, character: kibum, excerpt, fandom: super junior

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