
May 27, 2010 06:08

Oh my God I'm so hungry.

It's currently 5:59 in the AM, aka morning, my newspapered windows (painting the room) which block out all light at all costs are showing the faint glow of morning, I have to be eating breakfast with my boyfriend and his brother in four fucking hours, and I have been up all goddamned night writing fic because stupid black_goose got me inspired and shit with...oh God, I don't even know what, everything, something, I don't know, and now I'm writing a story that involves copious amounts of alcohol.

I am not a drinker.

Okay so sometimes I drink.

But only when I'm at college. And only after I turned of age in Korea.

...and I havent been drunk in awhile and I would like to be, because...er...RESEARCH! Yes, research. God, what has become of me. I swear I don't really drink often, not for some social perception of me, I just don't like it and I personally don't like doing it. But I've gotten the itch recently and I need to somehow indulge, but I probably won't. Because I'm me. Oh, me.

What does this have to do with anything?

I don't KNOW! I'm SLEEP DEPRIVED! Yippee! I should of gone to bed when the demon-game of Bejeweled 2 finally ended after days of trying to lose. Damn you, iPad. Damn you.

The point is, I'm going to have to tell my boyfriend tomorrow, my very jealous boyfriend, that I stayed up all night to write about 15 different twenty-something Asian men. Joy. All for you. And a little for me. Because Kibum is in it, because Kihae is God, and I will never stop writing it, NEVER, YOU HEAR ME, and it will be in all of my fics, and if you don't like it, you can learn to like it, and yes.

Also, I haven't uploaded baby!fic Hanchul because I typed it on my iPhone and it's kind of LONG at least to transfer it from my iPhone by hand and I don't want to :(

I will. Later. Eventually. What? Omg, I'm going to sleep. NO MORE WRITING, SLEEP.

idefk, go away inspiration, i'm so hungry i could eat siwon, lack of sleep has become my life, wha?

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