
Dec 17, 2009 02:54

Lol what?

ETA: omg giant threads are giant

idefk, ummm., lolz, rl, wha?, ramblings

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black_goose December 17 2009, 11:00:20 UTC


holykeebler216 December 17 2009, 11:01:24 UTC


black_goose December 17 2009, 11:02:52 UTC
apparently it's her mission in life to stop people from using the word retard or retarded. I'm sorry, but how is your saying that you are retarded supposed to offend ANYONE?


holykeebler216 December 17 2009, 11:04:39 UTC
IIIIII have no fuckin clue. Thats like someone saying "thats lame" and me going "YOU CAN'T SAY THAT, IT'S OFFENSIVE TO CRIPPLES."

I gotta be honest I was sooooooooo SO tempted to be bitchy. sotemptedomg.
I really want an eye-rolling icon for situations like these.


black_goose December 17 2009, 11:07:18 UTC
I really wanted to post a macro saying "YOU'RE RETARDED" but I am not that mean/bitchy/...retarded myself. You know, of course, it's awful if someone said it to her daughter, but a) "retarded" is a legitimate medical term (I'm not sure if she knows this), and b) it was not directed towards anyone other than yourself and how is that supposed to offend ANYONE?


holykeebler216 December 17 2009, 11:11:09 UTC
I KNOW! IT'S A WORD! What, do you want to strike it from the English language? Good luck on your quest to vanquish the big bad Retarded.

also: ICON FTW \O/


black_goose December 17 2009, 11:14:28 UTC
it seems like she has a knee jerk reaction to the word, no matter the context. There is a total difference between being offensive and just using the word.


also, I did not know you had a physical disability. I was going to say "HEY I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE A CRIPPLE LOLOLOL" but I was afraid internet humor doesn't always fly.


holykeebler216 December 17 2009, 11:20:20 UTC
she didnt even read it (probably a good thing) so i dont know what's got her panties all in a bunch. don't flip out on me, i don't know your kid. also, i dont know why people mind the word "panties". idgi.

lolol bias.

PFFT that would have been hilarious (<-- not sarcastic). Please, I am not sensitive about this at ALL. It's really not a big deal and I barely remember it's there anymore. I never even remember if I tell people unless it randomly comes up and someone goes YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT >8O and I'm like oh, lol. oops. I'll probably do an lj post on it in the morning because the cats out of the bag now and I'm sure ill be getting more than one "i didnt know that"'s haha

except i totally like to fuck with people if they make a joke and then I go : ( "thats not funny..." and watch them get really awkward.


black_goose December 17 2009, 11:25:21 UTC
PANTIES. it's at least better than "knickers"?

I love mindfucking with people. this isn't even in the same league, but I have a fucked up finger on my right hand, it still works and stuff, it just looks gross, since I broke it when I was really little and the bone came out of the skin. I never mention it since it's just part of me, but sometimes I do, or people notice, and I'm like LOOK LOOK! and they're like EW GROSS!


holykeebler216 December 17 2009, 11:34:02 UTC
i know, "underwear" sounds so dowdy. and yet ive read a billion articles on how women hate the word. ...welp, i dont :/

HAHA is FUN to fuck with people, right?? oh, its the best. also, if someone who doesnt know that im pretty much the whitest person on earth (half white half black) and probably more asian than anything, if they crack a black joke, omg, the awkward is ON. i love it.


black_goose December 17 2009, 11:37:33 UTC
I think all words relating to underwear sound stupid, but that's just because I'm 12 years old. Panties is definitely the best though.



holykeebler216 December 17 2009, 11:46:15 UTC
haha i do too. its awkward to me lol



moonfoot_gamgee December 18 2009, 07:22:50 UTC was not directed towards anyone other than yourself and how is that supposed to offend ANYONE?

This is very true.


Sorry for the ninja!comment. moonfoot_gamgee December 18 2009, 07:21:37 UTC
It's different than using the word "gay" derogatorily, IMO, because gay people can understand what's being said and it does hurt. But then, those who care for retarded people can understand "retarded," too, I suppose. Even though it was a bit irrational, I hate to be too terribly pissed at her, because it did hurt her feelings, not matter if it doesn't hurt other's feelings. Does that make any sense? I mean, just because one person isn't hurt, doesn't mean the other person's hurt feelings are totally invalid. But I do think it was stupid of her to just randomly comment on the journal of someone she doesn't know. If she's offended by it she should AT LEAST politely address the issue or only inform those who say it around her IRL. So basically, I mostly agree with you, but I'm stupidly indecisive. Heh.


Re: Sorry for the ninja!comment. holykeebler216 December 31 2009, 04:53:17 UTC
right it is different than saying "gay" derogatorily, but OMG SORRY CANT THINK ANY MORE FREDDY THE GAMESTOP GUY TEXTED ME JUST NOW


Re: Sorry for the ninja!comment. moonfoot_gamgee December 31 2009, 05:16:49 UTC
Haha. It's cool. Enjoy your texting. XD


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